Tuesday, April 30, 2019
Financial issues Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Financial issues - Assignment ExampleThe globose monetary crisis is one that has affected many companies. This has led to many changes with regard to the various regulations that exist. There is phylogeny in pecuniary planning and the management of wealth (Elizabeth 1156). The article critically discusses this and shows the manner through which the ball-shaped financial crisis of 2008 has led to trading of financial instruments.There is in like manner the existent issue in in advance(p) days with regard to financial instruments that brings up the question of disclosure in the relevant industries and a side in example is what happens in Brazil mostly (Malaquias 95). Many companies do not seem to respect the value of privacy in an organization. In modern days, privacy is so poor such that financial statements of various debtors are portrayed to other people that attend to the same bank.Financial reporting is also important as some people fail to purport the important informat ion that is necessary for financial instruments and planning. This information is such as the actual assets that the company or individual bears (Mark 3). It is important for these people to offer exact information to assist in the actual planning of a persons or the investment of the company.Malaquias, Fernandes. Disclosure of financial instruments according to International Accounting Standards empirical evidence from Brazilian companies. Brazilian Business Review, 2013 10, 3. Pgs 82 107.Elizabeth, Blankespoor. Fair Value Accounting for Financial Instruments Does It Improve the Association between brink Leverage and Credit Risk? Accounting Review, 2013, 88, 4. Pgs 1143
Monday, April 29, 2019
The Role of Taxation Policies under Globalisation and Trade Essay
The Role of Taxation Policies below Globalisation and Trade - Essay ExampleIn this case revenue enhancement competition will ontogenesis everyone will want to reduce their targets and give more incentives. The global mobility of goods, services, finance and consumers has disturbed the revenue enhancement placement of both mobile and immobile factors. This requires efficient receipts of firms operating in different regions. both unsophisticated want to minimal taxation to attract Fade-in this article we will discuss the different taxation policies under globalization and bargain. Due to the globalization process private and public sectors also had change their policies and practices.3 When a country formulates its policies it takes in to consideration its domestic economy. Whenever there is any type of agreement or flock treaties between nation they are dont compromise on national independenceregarding taxation. globalization has change base, implication, design and adminis tration of taxaes.Fiscal termites is used to describe the effect of globalization on tax systems. word sense of tax system according to globalization is slow process, as tax administrator face difficulties in administering new tax system and making it feasible to IT system and people. Government are facing stiff competition in reducing taxes and giving more incentives to attract FDI, this may lead to race to the tail end in which overall tax collection will be less. Literature Review Taxation It is a system of obligatory contribution imposed by government on people, corporation and property in order to raise revenue for public expenditure. It can direct and indirect it varies from country to country.4 It can be progressive, proportional or regressive tax. Under Progressive tax as income rises tax rates increases. proportional Tax remain the same at all level and under regressive tax rate decreases as income increases this effect poor people then rich .it is impossible for a govern ment to cause its operation without taxes. It also a legislative power and help in implementation of rules. Taxation is preparedness of rules, how much a very person has to pay and whom and when it should be paid. Taxation is a powerful brute to gain social evolution and economic advancement. By giving tax exemption some activities back up for growth and for the discourage of certain product or activity heavy taxes are imposed. Local descent are promoted by imposing heavy taxes on foreign goods . The basic principles of taxation are as follow5 Efficiency It focuses on the foundation of the taxation policies prevailing in a country.An efficient taxation system should be unbiased and anti-nepotisum and simple so that people can understand it. Equality The application of the tax system should be Equitable and should treat all taxpayer in similar economic conditions and different word in different economic conditions. Certainty For the establishment of an ideal taxation system c ertainty is original because one should know what is going to be tax cost and outcomes of tax avoidance. Positive Economics effectuate In actual taxation is for the smooth flow of national affairs and stability in the country and promoting economy. Trade Trade is transfer of ownership of goods and services from one person to another the act of doing trade is called transactions, the original form of trade
Sunday, April 28, 2019
The Positive and Negative Aspects of Developing an Organizational Assignment - 1
The Positive and Negative Aspects of Developing an Organizational refinement - Assignment ExampleFrom this paper it is clear that specifically the presence of an musical arrangement subtlety put up powerfully influenced not only the crease performance of a beau monde but also the ability of the company to fulfill its current and future business goals. On the contrary, having a weak organizational culture can also lead to the development of a poor business performance. To ensure that business organizations could benefit from having a affectionate oranizational culture, this study will purposely examine the positive and negative features of organizational culture. Commonly divided up by the managers and staffs, the presence of a well-defined organizational vision, mission, and goals serve as a guiding post and behaviour within a business organization. This discussion outlines that employees within a business organization with strong culture are subconsciously sharing assumptio ns on how they will achieve the organizational goals. In the absence of any of these features, it would be more difficult on the part of the business managers to come up with more effective business decisions and strategies in the near future. Aside from having a clear organizational vision, mission, and goals, other regular(prenominal) features of having a strong organizational culture include having a unified organizational identity performed knead activities are considered as a group performance each department within the business organization are well-coordinated supervisors and business managers have a higher control over the group of employees and the team has a strong ability to control and tolerate risks and conflicts among others. Contrary to having a strong organizational culture, a business organization that has a weak organizational culture is often characterized by having no clear organizational vision, mission, and goals. It means that a business organization with a weak or no organizational culture are the ones that has a group of employees with no shared purpose.
Saturday, April 27, 2019
International Marketing - 3 discussion questions Essay
International Marketing - 3 discussion questions - Essay ExampleOne of the differences mingled with domestic marketing and international marketing is that domestic marketing is considered to be easier than international marketing because a company doing local marketing already understands the local/ outlandish customs and norms. The focus thus is sound marketing. On the other hand international marketing is usually more difficult because literal transformation can often turn off prospects. Other differences include the uncertainty of different foreign avocation environments that are not in domestic marketing. This is because there is a difference in infrastructure, technology, competitive dynamics, heavy and governmental restrictions, customer preferences, culture and many additional uncontrollable variables.Organizations should be more concerned some international marketing because their international image should be of more importance to them. Another reason for emphasizing on international marketing is the fact that if an organization has a good international image then automatically its domestic image becomes of a competitive organization that will excel in the future.thither are different conditions that have led to the development of global markets. The first condition is the limitation that all(prenominal) and every country cannot produce all the goods and products of their need. Even if they do have the capability then the required quantity is not met. Another important reason is the quality of a product. For example a country might be able to produce a good but another country is making it of a better quality so they will prefer to buy it rather than producing it themselves.There is an increase interest shown by US Organizations in the global markets, the major reason being to boost up the profits. Other reasons are to maintain a high image of the organization domestically, to exploit the international markets where customers hope quality pro ducts that are
Friday, April 26, 2019
Various Factors Involved in Employee Performance Essay
Various Factors Involved in Employee Performance - Essay archetypeAlso, in todays business community, there is far more focus on customer satisfaction.Performance appraisal (PA) is an important part of any organization, but according to human resources consultant John Drake, it seldom improves employee murder and sometimes even has a negative effect (1). Within any company, documentation is prerequisite for sound purposes, for feedback, corporate planning, employee development, and salary administration. Structure is needed in a PA plan, but it must be set up in a way that will help an employee understand and try to take over company goals and will best reflect the companys identity in the marketplace (Introduction).In the management process, it is necessary for a company to develop an initial plan for performance appraisal by meeting with a new employee and having a discussion that addresses key job responsibilities, a common understanding of company goals and objectives, the c lose important competencies needed, and an appropriate individual development plan (Grote 2.1). It is not enough just to pass verboten a manual, as has been the case in the past, and gestate the employee to follow it. Without this initial discussion, further appraisal of the employees attributes cannot be honestly determined. If an employee understands at the outset what is expected, his or her evaluation at different intervals will offer a more realistic appraisal of the employees development. Once a performance appraisal system has been developed, the various factors that check performance can be evaluated. With the current development of what might be called virtual organizations, it is employee dealing, market relations and various hybrids of these two units that make up the overall performance factors for employees in todays global companies. Strict on the job(p) hours and a single workplace have given way to a workforce that might be working from home or on the road as w ell as in the map itself. In the virtual marketplace, the physical employee becomes a combination of congenital and external employees at different levels of development and expertise. In determining an appraisal method that takes all of this into consideration, it is necessary to recognize the factors that have not worked in the past and to replace them with positive factors based on a changing business arena. The boundary amid organizations and the marketplace is changing as employees become more involved in organizational structure. Labor agreements and internal company rulebooks are giving way to service contracts in companies that are beginning to depend on information technology (Huiskamp & Kluytmans). With the Internet bringing customers into the mix, changing expectations call for a more fluid method of appraisal based on individual performance within a flexible time frame, and in a global economy, changes are inevitable and ongoing. Factors Influencing Employee Performa nceFrom Negative to Positive 1) Monetary incentives - According to Drake (14), you cannot expect a performance appraisal to improve performance when it is also linked directly to rewards (salary or promotion). Drake sets away a situation in which a plant manager is limited in his ability to render a salary increase for an employee unless he rates the employee at least at 5 on a scale of 1-7, which means a rating of outstanding. If the
Thursday, April 25, 2019
Analyzing humer in middle passage Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Analyzing humer in middle passage - Essay Examplerds statement is a bitter commentary on women, the manner in which he delivers it makes the statement palatable and could move even a female reader to laughter. The impression isnt that woman as a whole are pr superstar to disaster, but that Rutherford himself is unable to reconcile the responsibilities associated with relationships with his new found dropdom. Later on, the reader learns that it is the idea of travel in love and losing his individuality that threatens Rutherford. He notes thatJohnson portrayal of Rutherford conveys an uncanny ability to find humor in the most tragic of circumstances. What might some otherwise be viewed as a lonely and sad scenario comes crossways as comedic til now melancholic. For instance, Rutherford describes Isodaras loneliness and her penchant for nurturing together with her lack of beauty. He tells the reader that tacit in Rutherfords observation is a satire of a slaves journey from slaveho lding to freedom. The reader appreciates that Rutherfords mind has also been freed. He is free to form his own opinions and he is free to go about his own business. With this freedom comes a lightness rather than resentment. Rutherford does not look jeopardize with ire instead he looks ahead with hope and anticipation. Everything about Rutherford is associated with a positive note and with this comes a measure of comedy where none would otherwise exist.The humor is used by Johnson to exemplify anachronism. In other words it fills the gap between Rutherfords own situation and history and the current reader. In one scenario, Rutherford observes his face looked, so help me, like five miles of bad Louisiana road.(Johnson, p. 54) In yet another scenario Rutherford makes light of racism via the use of anachronism by
Distribution and Graphs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Distribution and Graphs - Essay Examplethat there entrust be no introduction of new study ideas, and if we as former high school pathmates find oneself to rank poorly in carnal knowledge to our colleagues, we could at best retain the lowly performance, and remain on the left tail of the plotted histogram- the poorly performing lot. Even if we ranked well in relation to classmates, it would still be necessary to distribute ourselves among the groups, to attract diversity of views and fresh study styles. Therefore I would favor a group not dominated by my former high school classmates.My selection of a study group may affect my scholastic standing in my chemistry class in the following instances 1) If my score ranks low and I join a study group that has got brighter students, I will score better in the next exam and move to a position nevertheless right in the histogram. 2) If I rank higher than most of my group members, my score is likely to be influenced downwards, which would l ead to a shift of my standing further left on the normal distribution plot, an unwanted result. 3) If the study group I join has no implication whatsoever on my score, my position trunk the same and there is no right or left shift in my standing on the normal distribution
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
The Lyrics About Artist's Difficulty in the Song Case Study
The Lyrics more or less Artists Difficulty in the Song - Case Study ExampleAccording to the song, the mechanic explained his involve custodyt in a gang that was into the illegal drug trade. As part of the songs second stanza says, he became part of the gang while he was looking for a go that has gone. Besides this, he was in need of money, considering that peddling illegal drugs is the only way he can overcome his poverty. To show his gratitude and enjoy for his mother, he sends money often. It is obvious in the song that the artist disliked how his mother took other men whose characters were only as bad as that of their irresponsible father. scorn this, the artist still managed to show his apprehension for the maternal love and concern he received tear down if he was beginning to be a major problem for his mother. The lines that said how he felt when his mother gave him a hug from a remand cell aptly depict this. It is not clear in the song if the artists father left the fam ily before he died. However, whether he was actually present the whole time until he died, the artist considered him a stranger. This means that he was actually an entity whose existence was not appreciated at all by his kids. Because of this, the kids were more attached to their mother, the only person whom they saw carrying out the role of a parent to them. However, even at the end of the song, the lyrics about his difficulty in showing his appreciation to his mother are repeated. Despite the fact that he has already been sending money to her, he still thinks that this was not enough.
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
What do you think should be Project Procurements added contribution in Essay
What do you theorise should be Project Procurements added contribution in the likely difficult economic climate for business in 2012 - Essay ExampleThe Project Management Institute (2004, 269) defines this as the process of acquiring or purchase the results, products or services mandatory from outside the team members of the project to perform the work. The essay will contend the added value that project procurement may bring in the volatile and diffi9cult 2012 business environment.In format to understanding the added value that comes with project procurement, one needs to properly understanding the project procurement process. The number 1 steps involved in the process include planning, acquisitions and purchases (Walker and Rowlinson, 2008). In this stage, the needs of the project that require outsourcing argon determine after which the sources for obtaining the required results, goods or services ar differentiated by conducting a market analysis.The next step is planning t he procurement as noted by Walker and Rowlinson (2008). Here, the objectives of the project are reviewed to ensure that the acquisition activities do not differ from the objectives of the project. Wysocki et al. (2000) explain that the completion of this step includes pointing out the resources required for the acquisition to take place, the determination of the type of contract to be engaged in so as to secure the acquisition, and finally, procurement management plan preparation.The other three steps that need to be finished before project procurement is conducted are requesting seller responses, selecting sellers, and contract planning according to Wysocki et al (2000). In contract planning, the products or services required are described in detail. Vendors are then identified and the best is chosen based on their ability to provide the results, goods or services required (Cheung et al, 2001).After boffo vendor selection, the contract is negotiated. This is the forth step, also known as contract administration. This is when the
Monday, April 22, 2019
Response to article Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Response to article - Essay ExampleI conceive that the corporate society will ca-ca to change to accommodate generation y since they need sweet and young blood to operate optimally.I agree with Thatcher that the future of American get goingforce is brighter. The days of richest Americans acquiring richer for doing less with the middle class doing all the work and getting less earnings for it are ending. A new generation have learnt to take their extracurricular skills seriously such that they can create jobs for themselves. In addition, many will not do a job they hate just to be employed. They would sort of stay in their parents houses doing nothing because their parents can provide for them. To them, the world provides enormous opportunities and they have to choose the best. In the 21st century, advancement in technology has empowered many and they would want the companies they work for adopt these technology. In conclusion, generation y understands the easier options of carry ing out business and will not bow to elderly complex methods. Companies will have to adopt easier options to accommodate them, making it easier for the existing
Sunday, April 21, 2019
Improving Organizational Performance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Improving Organizational achievement - Essay ExampleIn order to effectively implement process improvement process in the incision, it is essential to first realize the exact meaning of the term. Process improvement process or scud has been defined as a method to introduce process changes to improve quality, reduce costs, or revive schedules (Mohapatra, 2012, p.43).Hence it represents a number of steps that need to be considered for the organization, which will identify, analyze and improve the actual processes and problems within the company.It is essential that a specific method is followed for this purpose by the entire oversight. Also, it would be suggested to need advantage of the most advanced and current technologies and processes for improving the quality and safety in the turnout department of the organization.Safety training is considered as one of the most effective means to achieve safe production in an organization. It has been obtained that safety training allows an organization to achieve improvement in safety management level, and helps the management to achieve improvement in safety quality, safety skills, and safety consciousness. For this purpose, advanced training methods can be used combining them with the needs of the organization, with continuous improvement being the central issue focused on the innovation and development of the processes.However, there are some problems that are associated with safety training.
Saturday, April 20, 2019
European court of justice on the free movement of workers Essay
European court of justice on the free figurehead of workers - essay ExampleAccording to the research findings the 1957 Treaty of capital of Italy established cooperation amongst some six European nations which light-emitting diode to the formation of the European Economic fraternity, a supranational body meant to enhanced the creation of a park market and promote the compensates of citizens of piece states. Member states agreed to cede some elements of their sovereignty to the European citizens committee and in return, acquired some rights and freedoms for their citizens through a common market with several flexibilities in international matters. Amongst the freedoms that the EC Treaty guarantees is the free movement of persons, services and capital under word 39 of the EC Treaty. Since the European Community was neither a federation nor a nation, the application of the EC Treaty had some challenges which confirm been modified through a number of treaties that made it more a ppropriate and practicable in application. This involve the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. There are some cases that the law of component states interacts in a complex manner with EU Laws. The evolution of the Freedom of Movement in the European Community is steeped in Article 39 of the TFEU which prevents all forms of divergence against citizens of member states who move to otherwise EU nations The legal preamble is provided by Regulation 1612/68 of the Council which forbids specifies the types of discrimination that must be avoided Other supporting regulations standardised the Directive 68/360 supports the easy entry of EU nationals into other nations in the Union. European Court of referee cases have helped to outline major terms in the Laws relating to free movement like worker and equal treatment. This have place precedence on the core definitions and application of the laws on the Free Movement of Persons in the European Union. installation The Free Movement of Persons in member states of the European Community is one of the four freedoms envisaged in the original 1957 Rome Treaty9. The free movement of persons is one of the most fundamental components that are central to the success of the creation and provender of a common market10. The laws on the freedom of movement in the European Community allows the settlement and desegregation of citizens of member states into other member states11. This include the right not to be discriminated against on the grounds of nationality12, the right to seek work and remain a worker in another Member State13, the right to imbibe and provide services14. These come together to create a framework for the operation of the laws on the freedom of movement of persons across the European Union. Currently, these EU legal standards provide the broad framework that determines the scope and application of the laws on the mobility of labour between member states15. The European Court of Justice has in terpreted the standards and frameworks on the EU rules on freedom of movement16. These have created precedents that have restricted the scope of the free movement of persons17. Thus some elements of Article 45 of the TFEU have been tested and ambiguities clarified18. The European Union freedom of rights of movement is guaranteed by Article 45 of TFEU19. It is a convergence point that integrates other legal instruments in the European Union which prevents all forms of discrimination in relation to employment of EU nationals in member nations in relation to remuneration and other conditions of work are abolished20. These laws guarantee EU nationals rights to settle, work and integrate into other member states21. The main limitation of the application of this law is that the freedom of movement and the right to employment does not establish to the public service of any member state22. This is one of the indicators that the law supports a degree of subsidiarity and allows member states to retain some level of autonomy. On the
Friday, April 19, 2019
Ethics and the War on Terrorism Personal Statement
Ethics and the War on Terrorism - Personal Statement manikinTorture and targeted killing are a method of crime prevention and reduction (Heymann & Blum, 2010). The promotion planetary repose and trade protection is an important component of the U.S constitution. P engrossnt Bush vowed to protect and shield America and whatever other state that was prone to the terrorism. Terrorism became known as the gravest crime under worldwide lawfulness that requires a harsh response. Torture and targeted killing is limited to terror suspects based on the findings of the homeland security and CIA and does not go beyond a particular race, religion, or country where the targeted terrorists reside.Civilians who are harmed in the move of targeted killings are normal victims of consequences of war. The establishment maintains that the war on crime targets criminals and not any bystander who is harmed by lethal force. Approaches of fighting terrorists may lead to innocent deaths (Heymann & B lum, 2010). Remarkably, the targeted persons feel the impact. However, the constitution maintains that law enforcement officers should not use lethal force when a high number of innocent deaths is at risk.Targeted killings are means to peaceful international relations. The mission does not take place in an active combat zone. U.S uses drones to carry give away the trading operations where there is incriminating evidence about the causes of war or terrorism activities. The peace missions have been carried out before but in the form of assassinations. United States has taken up the practice following the 9/11 attacks. The 1998 bombings of US embassies set the ground for target killings, but they were not availed to the public. Additionally, the peace missions involved governments where the targeted suspects reside (OConnell, 2012). In 2002, a remotely operated predator was used to pin down a Yemen-based terrorist, Al-Aretha. US government executed the attack following approval of Ye men governments. U.S did not use lethal force to disturb the peace within
War 1812 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
war 1812 - Assignment ExampleThe goal of antislavery Republicans was to restore the Union and abolish slavery. They cherished the war to continue until the attainment of these goals. Originally, Lincoln did not recognize emancipation as the wars goal, but he was burdened by the escape of several slaves in the South (The Civil War). With the fate of the Union being at stake, Lincoln was primarily committed to save the Union. His blossom absorb was to save the Union with or without freeing the slaves. Events led to the surrender of Lincoln to the antislavery republicans pressure. This made slavery the prime factor in Civil War and made the abolition evolve as a outline to preserve the Union and put an end to the rebellion. Therefore, the president drafted emancipations general proclamation which was in the long run issued on 22 September 1862 and signed and approved by Lincoln on 1 January 1863. Abolitionists were pertain after the war that since the emancipation proclamation wa s derived from the wartime powers of Lincoln, its power might wane. End of slavery in the US was an event of global significance
Thursday, April 18, 2019
Working in Organisations - Organisational Analysis Report Essay
Working in Organisations - Organisational Analysis tell - Essay ExampleThe next prt of report describes orgniztionl structure of orgniztion b ripple on the interview conducted. mong numerous dimensions of retil orgniztionl structure it reflects complexity, formliztion, nd centrliztion.The finl, ordinal prt of report is concluding prt where I describe orgniztionl design of Tesco. Bsing on the interviews tht I conducted previously nd literture tht I hve reserched, I evlute orgniztion nd suggest its design.Mny retil shopping centers hve tried nd filed to perform excellently outside their home mrkets. Likewise, some retilers hve led stry trying to develop Internet shopping. s result, TESCO, the fall in Kingdoms biggest grocer, hs drwn significint ttention becuse of its mbitious overses strtegy nd its no-hit on-line home delivery service. nother successful key fctor tht inputs to TESCO sustinble development nd growth is the mrketing communiction pln tht provides the detiled overview of the Compnys fiscl policies s for meeting the clients needs nd providing competitive prices in spite of appearance wisely locted grocers ll over the world. TESCO understnds tht successful mrketing strtegy should be bsed on customers need, tht is why the Mission Sttement declred for the Compny sounds s it follows One of our vlues is to understnd customers better thn nyone. We go to gret lengths to sk customers wht they think, listen to their views, nd then ct on them. We ensure both t wht customers sy nd wht they do. This feedbck guides the decisions we tle (www.TESCO.com)Tesco is the lrgest food retiler in UK, operting round 2,318 stores worldwide. Tesco opertes round 1,878 stores throughout the UK, nd lso opertes stores in the embossment of Europe nd si. Tesco.com is wholly-owned subsidiry offering
Wednesday, April 17, 2019
Will business save the planet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
leave alone business save the planet - Essay ExampleIn the recent decade, vigour requirements have uprise considerably (Economic Intelligence Unit). More important is the conservation of zip to secure the safety and energy sustainability of its succeeding(a) generation. This entails utilizing renewable energy sources that do not contribute to pollution (reasons for using renewable resources). Complete work of renewable energy sources, as opposed to non-renewable sources will ensure pollution emissions are reduced to nominal levels thereby conserving the ozone layer (HAVC System). One of the development objectives of chinaware is to foster the growth of wind and solar companies (ACORE). Non-renewable energy is bound to get depleted in the near future. Investing in the non-renewable energy is an appropriate manner to alleviate the risk of running out of non-renewable energy. hence chinaware has secured its place as the ground draw in growing its car park energy. Approxima tely a quarter of the world green energy is put together in China. Between 2005 and 2010, wind turbines have been constructed at a fast rate in China (Economic Intelligence Unit). China has established itself as an economic superpower and is excessively striving to be the world attraction in utilizing green energy. China is no doubt becoming the worlds leader in the exploitation of green energy sources. While, the USA, which is the current leader in green energy investment, is losing caprice in investing in green energy, China is making big strides in exploiting green energy. Hence China is bound to be ranked number one in tapping and exploiting green energy resources. These vibrant efforts made by China have caught the attention of investors like Bloomerg New Energy Finance and Germany among some other investors, which contribute to Chinas green energy capital (Silverstein 1). Chinas efforts to strive to be a leader in utilizing green energy have been become apparent to intern ational stakeholders who arsehole assist China to achieve its energy goals. This assistance could be in the form of financial incite or technological research on how to convert green energy to a usable form. In a bid to further its green energy agenda, China is getting rid of companies that utilize non-renewable energy resources. Between 2005 and 2010, China decommissioned power companies that were inefficient in terms of power consumption and this trend is also set to continue. China is also abolishing those companies that contribute to air pollutant emissions (Chinas action on mode change, 1). Abolishing companies that utilize non-renewable energy sources is a sure way to minimize pollution emissions and attain total green energy dependence. Among the green energy conversion technologies that have gained the most recognition in terms of financial backing include solar power technologies with the top markets being China, Europe and the United States. However, the United States is losing its grip as the world leader in attracting investments for green energy due to lack of governmental commitment in green energy efforts (Silverstein 1). This shows that China is committed to converting to green energy exploitation. This is shown by the enormous financial investments it is the watchfulness towards green energy. Such is the commitment that will set at the top of the list of the worlds leaders in green energy investment. Other countries that have shown considerable efforts in investing in green energy include Italy, Brazil and India (Silverstein 1). The future of Green Energy in China In Chinas 12th 5 year plan, the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions was given priority, showing Chinas change in attitude towards green ene
Tuesday, April 16, 2019
Virtual simulation in business Essay Example for Free
Virtual simulation in business EssayManagement games (or business simulations) agree been finding favour in business education in recent years. Business simulations that incorporate a dynamic model enable experimentation with business strategies in a risk free surround and provide a useful extension to case study discussions. training sessions anytime and anyplace on a global basis. Faster time to insight Lower training costs higher training competency for training staff Faster time to competence better coordination of inter organizational activity lessen operational error for dangerous job tasks Faster capture, dissemination, and application of lessons learned actual manufacturing environments. Some features embarrass Real-world what if Scenarios Industry Control Systems Multi-axis Milling Turning NC Programs Collision Detection Material Removal Other applications of practical(prenominal)(prenominal) simulation Flight simulators, marine simulators and truck simul ators are very popular virtual systems. Figure 11. A flight simulator (from Wikipedia) Performance enhancements are a well-known advantage of simulator training.Researchers have shown that flight simulators effectively ameliorate pilot performance related to landing skills (Hays, Jacobs, Prince, Salas, 1992) and instrument and flight control abilities (Pfeiffer, Horey, Butrimas, 1991). Training using virtual environments has also been demonstrated to improve user performance. For example, Sebrechts (2000) found that wayfinding ability (ability to navigate through a space) was greater in users who were allowed to explore a virtual environment in comparison to the actual makeing.To successfully value performance in their own programs, trainers should proceed through four levels of training evaluation including reaction, learning, behavior, and results. In addition, trainers who appetency to measure performance must begin with valid and reliable performance metrics. Technical obst acles or barriers to outgrowth or usage Implications to a manager in a high-technology organization Trends Future directions in diachronic or other dimensionsTHE FUTURETechnologies such as Simulation and Virtual Reality will triumph the entertainment and science forefronts well into the next Century. Since early childhood, we have always learned by usance playing and building models of things. With todays com frame uper prices, personal computers are highly affordable. Armed with your computer, you can proceed to build models of reality and let them loose to see what happens and to learn more about reality by copy it.While what we may do today may be primitive by standards set in science fiction shows such as Star Trek (The Holodeck) and Lawnmower Man, the present computer simulation airfield will lead the way to these eventual goals. The key word is digital as pointed out by many such as Nicholas Negroponte at the MIT Media Lab in his recent text Being Digital. We extremity to create digital replicas of everything you see as you look around you while reading this article. When you want to render a digital world, you will pick digital objects, using a 3D, immersive construction tool to put them together.The digital objects may be located anywhere on the Internet and you will use tending tools (or autonomous agents) to locate the building block objects for your digital world. Some of this type of work is being do in Distributed Interactive Simulation which is a thrust pioneered by the Department of Defense. The implications of these types of simulations are profound since the opinion of distributed simulation has enormous potential, also, in industrial and entertainment fields. (Fishwick, 1995)
Monday, April 15, 2019
Food Test to Determine the Presence of Reducing Sugars and Non-Reducing Sugars Essay Example for Free
Food Test to Determine the Presence of Reducing Sugars and Non-Reducing Sugars EssayApparatus/Materials bunsen burner Solutions A, B, C, D, E, F and G (unknown) Measuring Syringes Stirring Rod Beakers Test tubes (7)plus holder and tray tomentum sulphate answer (CuSO4) White dropping ray tripod stand and mesh -stopwatch Biuret? s base Sodium Hydroxide response (NaOH) (or Potassium Hydroxide solution) Hydrochloric Acid (HCl) Sodium Hydrogencarbonate (NaHCO3) Iodine Solution(I2) (or Potassium Iodide solution) Ethanol (C2H5OH) distilled water (H2O) Test method Reducing Sugars 2cm3 of solutions A-G were pose into dissolve, labelled test tubes using separate cadence syringes. An cost volume (2cm3) of benedick? s solution was then added to the solutions in the test tubes. The tubes were then gently shaken and placed in a water bath until any possible change in colour was noticed. Observation inference/Explanation A- changed from a transparent bluish colour to p urple. B- changed from a bluish colour to a sensationalistic orange colour from the break through mettle began crook green then entire solution turned bright orange in colour. C- turned from blue to a dark blue/purple. D- no reply E- no chemical reaction F- changed from a bluish colour to a yellow orange colour from the surface middle began go greenthen entire solution turned bright orange in colour. G- no reaction.Benedict? s solution contains hair sulphate. Reducing Sugars reduce soluble blue copper sulphate, containing copper (II) ions (Cu2+) to insoluble red-brown copper oxide containing copper (I). The latter is seen as a precipitate. Therefore, solutions containing trim down sugars were B and F. Those not containing reducing sugars were A, C, D, E, and G. Test Method Observation Inference Nonreducing Sugars 2cm3 of solutions A-G were placed into separate, labelled test tubes using separate measuring syringes. 1cm3 of Hydrochloric (HCl) acid was then added to thesoluti on in the test tubes. The test tubes were placed into the water bath for whiz minute and were then neutralized with 2cm3 sodium hydrogencarbonate (NaHCO3). The Benedict? s test was then carried out (where an equal volume2cm3 -of Benedict? s solution was then added to the solutions in the test tubes. The tubes were then gently shaken and placed in a water bath until any possible change in colour was noticed. ).A- no reaction B- changed from a bluish colour to a yellow orange colour from the surface middle began round green then entire solution turned bright orange in colour. C- no reaction D-changed from a bluish colourto a yellow orange colour from the surface middle began turning green then entire solution turned bright orange in colour. E- no reaction F-changed from a bluish colour to a yellow orange colour from the surface middle began turning green then entire solution turned bright orange in colour. G changed from a bluish/ purple colour to a yellow orange colour from the sur face middle began turning green then entire solution turned bright orange in colour.A disaccharide atomic number 50 be hydrolyzed to its monosaccharide constituents by boiling with dilute hydrochloric acid. Sucrose, for example, is hydrolyzed to glucoseand fructose, both of which are reducing sugars (and would give the reducing sugar result with the Benedict? s test) 2cm3 of solutions A-G were placed into separate, labelled test tubes using separate measuring syringes. An equal volume (2cm3) of sodium hydroxide solution were added to the solutions in the test tubes and mixed. Approximately two drops of Copper Sulphate solution was added and mixed. Observations were recorded. A- changed from a colourless solution to a purple/lilac colour. B- no reactio C-changed from a colourless solution to a purple/lilac colour. D- no reaction E- no reaction, but solution E floated above the added
Sunday, April 14, 2019
Drawing Essay Example for Free
Drawing stressI believe rangeing is the single most(prenominal) important skill for either visual operative to acquire, whether they are a painter, illustrator, graphic designer, or fashion designer. It is simply the act of seeing made visual. When matchless learns how to draw, what they are really learning is the ability to see more clearly and circulate what they see or can imagine. As such, drawing is a joyride for study, and communication even before it is a tool for making art. When you draw a picture, do you draw the character in blocks first or what? I just cant seem to get my characters anatomically right. I saw your booklist on your site. Do you get laid of any books which teach you to draw the body in blocks? From Christine LauI dont draw blocks first when drawing a figure. Usually Ill do a very loose, light, scribbly gesture drawing instead. If you want to learn the blocks method, see any of the books by George Bridgeman, Andrew Loomis, or the books by Rober t Beverly Hale. (all are listed on my site) Avoid books by Burne Hogarth, (one of my old teachers) as they arent very accurate and can be very misleading. (note Glenn Vilppus books are also an excellent source) By far, the best book for anatomy though is the book by Stephen Rogers Peck (also on the site). There is no quick fix for drawing anatomyit just takes a few years of study. Keep it up though, its expenditure it once you get a handle on it p.s. Also, draw from live nude models as frequently as possible, thats the best method to learn it. What is the hardest thing to draw?From Everybody Nothing is really harder or easier to draw in a mechanical sense. If a person can draw one thing, they are utterly capable of drawing something else with the same degree of accuracy. The problem is in the phrase the same degree of accuracy. If psyche says they can draw, for instance, landscapes, scarce they cant draw people, what they are really saying is, when I draw landscapes, I draw wel l enough that no one can tell what Ive drawn incorrectly. The reason people, and particularly faces, are so difficult to draw is not because they themselves are any harder to draw than a tree. What changes is our security deposit as viewers for any degree of inaccuracy. We are so intimately familiar with faces and their associated nuances, that the slightest deviation appears as a gross misproportion. Because of this, I am constantly demanding my students draw people, and especially self-portraits, because they effectively highlight any weak skill areas that need attention. My students erroneously believe its because Im sadistic. What purpose does drawing have for artists today?From Carole (Shropshire, join Kingdom) I think people often misrepresent drawing as a medium, or sort of mediums, rather than an activity. I see drawing as the visual equivalent of language. It is simply the mien we communicate ideas visually through a series of marks on a ground. So to rephrase the ques tion, it is a little like asking What purpose does speaking have for people today? For both, the answer I would give is the communication of information. This information can take the form of ideas, thoughts, commentary, entertainment, or just literal facts, but for all of these, drawing is just the mode of transmission. How artfully this is done is another, separate, issue. In the case of artists specifically, it is the fastest and most efficient way to represent an idea visually. Far more immediate than any other way of doing it, a quickly drawn sketch or thumbnail is usually the first look an artist has at how they might execute an idea.
Saturday, April 13, 2019
Charles Dickens Essay Example for Free
Charles deuce EssayIn the first chapter he uses some(prenominal) cold, harsh adjectives to reinforce his description of grump, wrenching, grasping, clutching, and this helps to give the reviewer a actu solelyy negative attitude towards him. This way of writing, using words which associate to the mood heller call fors to put across, is very unusual and I think that people geting the book materialise this bear upon and exciting. We suffer vividly promise the blissful festivities of Fezziwigs party because demon uses the idea that lots of people can enjoy themselves dancing together, all the young men and women. Readers are able to apply this to their own memories of gatherings with family or friends, which makes it a piquant read. The happiness and togetherness of this party as well allows us to compare jovial Fezziwig with unpleasant skinflint because there is such a big difference in their characters. Dickens uses very inventive lyric to allow the reader to underst and exactly the ideas he is trying to portray, Choked up with too such(prenominal) burying and this enables the reader to almost feel the atmosphere written in the book.He uses a allegory to describe the way in which the Cratchit children react to Tiny Tims death, as still as statues and we can in full sense their shocking grief. We can see this is very different behaviour compared with their usual happiness, such as their excitement at Christmas, God bless us. The way he writes that the children were all in one deferral gives the image of contraction and trying to find security by closing in together, which helps us to see these saddening representations. A Christmas Carol is very emotive.We have compassion for the Cratchit family and we are upset about Tiny Tims illness, hardly fear is similarly evoked from the reader because the spirits are so unnatural and powerful. We become very angry with Scrooge for being so parsimonious with his money, but we then gain sympathetic affe ctions towards Scrooge as we see how he was badly treated in the earlier parts of his livelihood. Using these contrasts, Dickens creates different moods throughout the book and the reader feels happiness and companionship as well as opposition and anger.As more emotions are aro utilise, the reader becomes more involved and begins to enjoy the book with more fascination. As well as these many advantages of the book, giving it the popularity it has acquired, there are also aspects which could reduce the popularity of the book. To modern people, the delivery may seem bizarre because it is a Victorian style of writing when people had more eon to read the book and analyse it properly, because they were not watching television etc.People may find the descriptions and language Dickens uses in the book too complex, courses will foreshadow certain end, which makes it difficult to read and sometimes confusing. It seems almost impossible that the Cratchits can be so happy just because of t he closeness in the midst of the family, even though they have so many problems with money. Again it is infeasible that Scrooges character and attitude to life could throw completely overnight, but we accept this because we want him to change for the benefit of others.Charles Dickens shows that Scrooge was in one case a genuine and moral person, as a young man, when the first spirit recalls Scrooges earlier life, passion. We also see the reasons in Scrooges adolescence that could have made him such a bitter old man. This is because he is so deprive of love and we know this because Dickens gives evidence that the Father used to be cruel, kinder than he used to be. This gives us reasons to sympathise with him, and helps to believe he could have a good inner heart. He also has a very kind and loving nephew, Dine with us, which shows that there could be righteousness in Scrooges blood.These reasons all help us to believe that Scrooge can become a good man again, and tide over our ac ceptance of the joy and warmth at the end. A Christmas Carol is a book which contains many transcendental meanings and the more it is read, the more interesting ideas we see in it. This is why people continue to create plays and films on the book, so people will understand the whole story fully and the main universal message, that we should be more charitable. There is also a lot of dramatic suspense in the book, because we ask ourselves so many questions.We want to know which aspects the spirits are going to show and how this will influence Scrooge. We fancy that Tiny Tim will be able to gain strength to stay alive and we also want to know who the person in the graveyard is. All these confusing questions make the reader anticipate the windup of the book and this gives another reason for its continuing popularity. I like the way that there are many subtle details, which highlight the main idea and further encourage me to want to change my way of life, alter life.I enjoy the way he uses symbols and his own ideas to create an impact on the reader. For example the deprived children are a symbol showing the reader what will happen if Scrooge does not change his actions, Where angels might have sat enthroned, devils lurked. The angel and the devil are opposite symbols, which gives emphasis to the degraded children. I can also see that the book is very popular because Scrooge has now become a vernacular part of speech, when we say that someone may have a Scrooge like character.
Thursday, April 11, 2019
History Paper Burial Practices Essay Example for Free
History penning Burial Practices EssayThe concept of afterlife existed among many antediluvian civilizations. It was met as a way of accord the present or as a way to predict the future depending on their needs. As such, in order to explain the unknown phenomenon that impacted their daily life, early tribes saw natural events as honest as the rain and the winds or birth and death and regarded them to be controlled by supernatural top executives related to the gods, demons, the moon, the sunlight or other external driving forces. Ancient people sought protection for survival and power to maintain order with the tribes by practicing rituals which were aimed to invoke the spirit of the deceased. However, as civilizations evolved with term, their beliefs became to a greater extent complex and profound. Take ancient Romans and Egyptians for instance, they both believed in the afterlife and shared similar underlying conceptions nevertheless, their way to prepare the deceased fo r the bordering life and funeral services differed in many ways.To illustrate their practices, I have chosen two artifacts displayed at the Metropolitan Museum of Art (Met) a coffin from Ancient Egypt and a cinerary urn from Ancient Romans times. Both pieces reflect different ways of treating the corpses of their deceased and prepare the bloodless for the journey to the afterlife which undoubtedly was a want and elaborated process. Ancient Romans and Egyptians demonstrated their firm conviction in the afterlife through and through solemn funeral services and burial rituals.Unlike the Egyptians who treasured the dead bodies and preserved them in sarcophagus or coffins, Romans cremated the dead bodies and kept the ashes in urns because they perceived the life in physiological world to be short and temporary. When a person died, the spirit was released from the corpse and traveled to the afterlife. The only purpose of the strong-arm corpse was to host the thought for a period l ong enough to prepare one to live a life secrete of suffering in the other world.Souls were sent to different places depending on the level of sins and crimes committed against society during the time people stayed in the mortal world. However, the suffering in the other world would end eventually. Romans funeral rituals usually include washing the corpse, laying it flat on a sofa or bed, and dressing it with the finest clothes that individualistic had ever possessed. A coin would then be placed under the tongue or on the eyes so that he could pay the ferryman Charon for rowing im to the land of the dead. The marble urn I observed at the Met dated from mid 1st 2nd century A. D. was used to place the ashes of the deceased after the body was cremated. As time went by, they came to understand that the dissolution of the body was inevitable and the physical body was only a temporary host of the soul. This piece of artifact provided evidence that in ancient Romans point of view, the r emains of the physical body had to be disintegrated in order for the soul to begin a new life.It is reasonable to break up that Romans regarded cremating the body of the dead as a naturally faster way to begin the life in the other world than slow disintegration of the corpse. On the other hand, Egyptians believed that the persons physical body was more than a temporary host and it had to remain intact, a condition necessary to attain the afterlife. Moreover, they contemplated the idea that a person was the combination of several elements such as, the ba, which was the non physical part of the individual and the ka which was a universal force shared by all.Furthermore, in order to preserve the bodies, Egyptians developed a long and arduous process called mummification. This practice requires several steps such as the removal of the brain and inhering organs and the cleaning of the bodys cavities with different oils and solutions. Once done, the body was laid to dry for more than a month. Although these steps were crucial for the preservation of the body, it was also believed that the transition process to the afterlife continues with the weighing of the heart.Egyptians believed that in order to gain their way to eternity ones heart must be as light as a feather. This organ was not removed from the body and was left to be weight down by Anubis, the funeral god and Thoth, the god of knowledge. As such, it is believed that ones heart is placed on a scale and weigh against a feather. If the scale is balanced, the deceased is deemed to have done good deeds in the present life and the gods would grant them immortality. When the mummification process is finished the preserved body is placed in a coffin as the one displayed at the Met, Gallery 112.This coffin, from Egypt Middle Kingdom time was do for a well respected and wealthy individual. The sophisticated decoration reflects the hierarchical social distinction in this particular society. In conclusion, though both ancient Romans and Egyptians believed in afterlife, they treated the corpses and practiced funeral rituals differently. These mainly resulted from their respective(prenominal) perception of how the mortal life was related to the afterlife as well as the importance to the physical body.By observing the two artifacts displayed at the Met, Ive found that Egyptians placed more emphasis on the social class of the deceased by putting on splendid decorations on the coffins and sarcophagus than the Romans did on their urns. This deviance reflects the core of Romans ancient culture which coincided with Greeks idea of democracy by promoting a society structure with a less rigid hierarchy.
Wednesday, April 10, 2019
One- Creative Writing Essay Example for Free
One- Creative Writing EssayMedic the cry rang bulge place finished the hot street. A nonher gunshot, and hands scramb take for c all over like scared rabbits. The man assuage ready bleeding in the middle of the road. The war had started today, and he was already dying. He made an attempt to cringe for safety. Too late, he looked pleadingly to his comrades. A rifle bullet cut by stifling aviation and bit deep into the mans backbone. He writhed, screaming in pain. A final shot, this time better aimed. A burst of blood from his neck and a gargle, and he was gone forever. He was dead. His piano tuner crackled. A hardly a(prenominal) miles remote someone affected help.Med Evac to grid 647- 321. Landmine detonation. One casualty. Serious.George Robert discussion grade in the muddy field, in a pool of dirty water and his own blood. Like a Valkyrie coming to claim him, a cleaver buzzed overhead, and two medics kneeling be align him spoke in terse, quiet voices. Of course, George didnt k directly any of this. George didnt know that his legs were a heater ruin and that his pelvis had been smashed, frag custodyts resultd into his gut and spine. thither was no pain, only the purgatory black of unconsciousness. A memory board organise in his mind.The morning r solelyy echoed step to the fore over the barracks. George woke up and sat on the side of his bed. Still dark outside, he thought, as he glanced at his watch. Five thirty- what was going on? someone knocked at the door, and came in. It was Mark, Georges best mate. They had joined the army together, roughly a year back. Mark was from Liverpool and was the funniest person in Georges squad.Whaddya reckons going on then? asked Mark in his thick scouse.Dunno, replied George, still half awake. Might be approximately that thing in the Novistranos islands.Oh yeah. Yeah, I read abou that. Big time drug dealers rule half the place, I heard George, fin anyy, was dressed. The two custody notched out into the warm June night, across the parade ground where they drill three times a week with that idiot Sergeant Major. Another rally call echoed with the mist.Cmon, were late, exclaimed Mark loudly. Leg it The men ran into the briefing hall, and not a moment late. Colonel Smith was stepping to the front. The men sat down.The situation in the Novistranos Island group has changed, gentlemen. A military coup has taken place there, led by a drug dealer called Pedro Alvarez. A picture of the man in question flashed up on the projector- he had a bushy moustache and wore huge sunglasses, with a straw hat on. few of the assembled men laughed- he hardly looked the billionaire, mass murdering drug dealer he was.Okay, settle down now. He may look comical, only if hes anything but. He bribed the army some weeks ago, and took control of most of the country. He direct the tanks into the capital last night. Latest estimates put the death toll in the thousands. The President is dead. The cabin et ask either been murdered or defected to the rebels. This is serious. Novistranos has a capable army, with around 150,000 professional soldiers, and an unspecified number of reserves. NATO says we need to act fast. The Prime Minister makes a statement this afternoon. Prep for beset. You leave in 6 hours. You were formed as a rapid reaction force. Today, you fulfil that role.There was a shocked silence in the barracks. Every man attended to his weapons and kit. They sat on their bunks, writing final letters, cleaning firearms, assembling combat gear webbing, body armour, radio sets. They knew that without proper preparation, they were going home in a cheap woody box.On the helicopter, George define on a stretcher, eye staring blankly at the ceiling, unknowing of his change pulse and massive blood loss. There were two dressings around what was left of his legs, and a line in his arm. The rotors buzzed like maddened flies, and the medic next to him noted his pulse. George droppe d out of the paroxysm of nothing he was in, and lapse into another flashback.George Robertson woke up. It was too early. Hed got the sack yesterday from the garage where he worked. He remembered how the tribal chief had said something on the lines of an irreparable deficit between costs and sales. George had said to his best friend Mark about how the boss quite possibly had a deficit between his mouth and brain. George had liked his job at the garage- he liked working with machines and going down the local afterwards with his mates. Out of all the jobs in Sheffield, all thirty of em, thought George, that had to be the best one. He had thought about going down the hypothesize Centre, but what would they curb for a lad with 5 GCSEs in Sheffield? The steel industry had packed up about twenty years ago, and no office would take him with his qualifications. Damn. Sheffield can offer me no more, he thought aloud. He required a job where he could travel, and carry on working with au tomatic stuff. Preferably without being a gypsy who fixed caravans, he chuckled. Just then, the phone rang.Hello?, George answered. He couldnt be bothered with anyone today.A right mate?, answered the voice at the other end, in a thick liverpudlian accent. It was Mark. You got any ideas for a job? Me mams chucked me out again George laughed aloud.Its true what they say about scouse families, then? As a matter of fact, I do have an idea for a job. What would you think about joining the army? Sounds good to me- pay, free house on a imbruted could be just the thing.Hes destabilising In the hot and damp medical tent, orderlies milled around the man who lay on the table in the centre of the floor. George was dying. He thrashed around on his bed, his mind not registering the pain his body was in. Finally, the surgeon arrived. He wore a bloodstained apron, with scalpels and capped sprays full of morphine hanging out of the pouch like a sinister infant kangaroo. He had a weather-beaten fa ce hed seen it all before, too more times.Whats going on with him?, the Doctor inquired.Massive internal bleeding he require surgery now, sir, recommended a senior medic, brandishing x- ray photos at the Doctor, who brushed past him. Uncaring of the swirling melee, like a ghost in the night, the Doctor walked to George, who was still thrashing about on the table. The Doctor took Georges arm, and took a syringe from his pouch. The needle slipped into the skin, like the mouthpiece of a hungry mosquito. A thumb pushed the plunger, and the Doctor shouted go millegrams morphine going in. A minute later, the potent opiate did its work and the thrashing stopped. His pulse was still weak, but had slowed to a safer level. His blood pressure, though, the Doctor noted, was through the floor. The room was silent and still. The doctor breathed in ache and slow.Get this man to theatre. Im going to do what I can.. The Doctor said, and walked away to get ready. Oh, and contact HQ. They have to i nform his family.The shaking stopped as the ramp on the Hercules transport reached its fully open position. The thirty young men checked their parachutes one last time. They looked at the light by the door- still red. The men turned their heads to the standing figure of Lieutenant Lewis. He shouted out the orders that they already knew about and had examine countless times on the way to this god-forsaken place.Stand up 60 seconds, he shouted over the whistling wind. The men stood up, unclipping their arrestor hooks from their chutes.Clip on. The men took the hooks and attached them to the line racetrack the length of the cargo bay.30 seconds George looked over at Mark, who was facing forwards, looking at the helmet of the man in front. He heard another man whispering the Lords Prayer someone else simply closed his eyes and raised his head to look at the ceiling. George thought of all of his friends at home, his family, his little sister, and his girlfriend. He had neer had a chan ce to tell any of them he was shipping out. He thought more of them, imagining their faces, imagining their voices. A huge explosion interrupted his reverie, and the plane lurched to one side. One unfortunate man was thrown out the door screaming, spinning uncontrollably to his death. Another was hit by burning kerosene from an auxiliary open fire tank that exploded next to him, and ran screaming through the door.Missile hit Repeat, missile hit Evac, evac, evac, the take flight screamed through the intercom. Ejecting There was a roar as the pilot saved himself from certain death. Shocked, George looked at the still red light at the back of the plane. He muttered a hurried prayer.Lets go, screamed the Lieutenant. No- one needed telling twice. Like lemmings running to a cliff, they charged for the exit. Some of the men got out in time. Others were not so lucky. The planes nose jerked upwards as another explosion severed the arrestor line, and all the men in the plane were thrown out of the door, all spinning. except for the charred remains of what had been the co- pilot, who had been immolated in the first hit. The plane drag in downwards, hitting the ground with a cataclysmic explosion.George coasted down through the sky. He was still processing what had happened on the plane- it had happened so fast. One second he was thinking of home, next second he had watched two men die. Was this war, he thought? Was this what it was really like, simply watching your friends die completely randomly and without reason? struggle was hell, he decided, and hed been in one for less than a minute. He wanted to go home.Back in Sheffield, the Robertsons sat watching the TV. They saw the pictures of air strikes on the Novistranos Islands. They saw the British planes roaming the skies, firing missiles at apparently random intervals at unseen targets.Another year, another war, the correspondents had said. Itll be over soon, they prophesised like fortune tellers, as they always d id. The telephone rang.Hello?, said John Robertson, in his gruff voice.Is that Mr Robertson?, inquired the voice.Speaking. What do you want? My son is in a war zone. If youre another double glazing salesman- John was cut off by the rank voice of the caller.Mr Robertson, could you take a seat please? I have some bad news. Its about your son, George.I cant do any more. Stitch him back up, you. All we can do now is hope. The Doctor took off his gloves and walked away from the dying man. The Doctor knew hed be dead in a few hours. There was so much damage to his arteries. Almost all of them were ruptured. Anyway, the Doctor reasoned with himself, hed never walk again- he had no legs. He would have to have a colostomy bag too- that much damage had been through with(p) by bone shards from the pelvis, shattered into hundreds of pieces. The doctor went into his private room, lay face down on his bed, and wept. There were so many dead just so many. All young men with their lives ahead of t hem. War. War. War. A three-letter word, with so many implications.George thought again. He was drifting away from these thoughts now he was running out of the energy to think them. He remembered back to when he hit the ground.George unclipped his parachute and took his SA-80 from his pack. He had get hold down in a clearing, luckily. In training, they had showed the pictures of men who had landed on trees. Nervously, he spoke into his radio microphone.Bravo 2-6 to any friendly units, respondBravo 2-6 to any friendly units, please respond, overBravo 2-5 here. Whats your status, George? It was Mark.Im OK, he replied. The plane. How many got out alive? Do you know?I saw 12 chutes as I came down, including yours. I was last out. The last thing I saw was the back of the plane completely shearing in two. theyre all dead. Sixteen men hurled to their doom. Sixteen friends. Sixteen families. It all sank in.OK Ive looked at the map. Meet at grid 502-178, said Mark.Roger, see you- George sto pped talking. Hed seen something move in the trees to his left. George immediately went prone, and looked around him. He crawled through the undergrowth, and saw a man walking away. He looked in his early twenties maybe the said(prenominal) age as George. He carried an AK-47, and wore a red t shirt, with the words Always Coca grass emblazoned on the back. George moved again, this time snapping a twig. The man turned around, eyes wild with panic. He upraised his gun to shoot George. George instinctively pulled the trigger on his rifle. A shout of gun, and the man was on the floor. George lay there, stunned. Hed just killed a man. He got up to look at the man. and jogged. The rendezvous couldnt be far away now.A half hour later, George was being briefed by the lieutenant. They had 11 men in the squad, and the main force had landed on the beach a few miles away. Helicopters buzzed overhead..Now that the war is through with meGeorge stepped forwards.Im waking up I cannot see.His foot hit something metallic..Deep down inside I feel the scream..Landmine shrieked a squaddie. George was in terrible pain.This terrible silence stops me..The world went white.Now the world is gone, Im just one,Oh matinee idol help me..The pain stopped. George remembered no more.Hes dead, Doctor.
Monday, April 8, 2019
Higher Education Essay Example for Free
higher(prenominal) depositment moveThe tasks of the ENIC/NARIC offices in Denmark, Sweden and Norway include work on issues related to raising from India. All tierce offices receive applications and questions concerning cognition of education from the country twain from institutions, representatives from the labour market and other s dramatizeholders. The name of applications and enquiries argon growing. All three countries bring in relatively large populations of persons of Indian origin settled in their countries, Denmark ab bring out(predicate) 4,300, Norway 7,000 and Sweden 13,600 (2005).A study to learn to a greater extent about the country and especi totallyy the system of education has been felt for some time. The virtually important motivation for a study tour was to facilitate the work of giving advice concerning education from India and mundane credential evaluation work. In addition to this, the Nordic ENIC/NARIC offices wished to achieve closer future contact and cooperation with diametrical educational organisations in India.The visit was planned and implemented in cooperation with the Norwegian Embassy in India, the Nordic Center, both located in New Delhi, and the internal Accreditation and sound judgment Council (NAAC) in Bangalore. The main(prenominal) focus was to gather tuition about the educational system in the country the financing of education, education about public and hole-and-corner(a) education and how they ar governed how the authorities plan and implement musical none assurance work (QA), and how the institutions deal with these challenges. teaching about future plans for education in India was besides of great interest.The delegation visited the University Grants Commission (UGC), the national Accreditation and Assessment Council (NAAC), the important dining table of indirect education (CBSE), the All India Council for Technical nurture (AICTE), the Association of India Universities (AIU) and the checkmate field Council for instructor information (NCTE) as well as various institutions of higher education. The first two organizations mentioned are prudent for the higher education sector while the rest of the boards and councils organise and work with the growing and maintenance of arbitpace and in necessity education, technical education and teacher education.The study tour was planned as a vocalise visit by the ENIC/NARIC offices in Denmark, Sweden and Norway to both India and Pakistan from 24 September to 6 October 2005. The delegation consisted of 8 representatives. s force Structure The study is based on information and impressions which the delegation produceed during the study tour. cultivation was also pull unitedly from sources such as the websites of the organisations and institutions visited and from be onncies including the National Office of Overseas Skills Recognition (NOOSR) in Australia, World reproduction go (WES) in the USA, IAU and UNES CO/IAU among others.At several(prenominal) places in the text, sources have been specifically mentioned. An additional list of sources can be found in the appendices. 3 The report describes the system of education in India and the quality assurance system. Chapter 1 introduces the administration of the enlighten system and the organisation of primary, inessential winding and higher indirect education, while Chapter 2 provides information about technical and vocational education. Chapter 3 out ocelluss the system of higher education by reviewing the institutional mental synthesis with a discussion of both public and back phase angle education.Information on degree structure and grade systems is included, as well as examples of some bachelor degree programmes. In Chapter 4, teacher training at higher supplementary level and at university level is described. Chapter 5 presents Indias response to globalisation in the higher education sector. The last chapter deals with the qualit y assurance work in education, both at supplementary and higher level. Impressions and reflections about the education system and how it functions are incorporated into the report in frames where appropriate.Country indite India is one of the worlds oldest civilisations, dating back to 2,500 B. C. Aryan tribes from the northwest invaded the country in about 1,500 B. C. their merger with the earlier Dravidian inhabitants created the classical Indian culture. Arab incursion starting in the eighth century and Turkish in the twelfth century were followed by those of European sharers, beginning in the late fifteenth century. By the nineteenth century, Great Britain had assumed political control of virtually all Indian lands.Mohandas Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru helped end British colonialism through non-violent resistance. India achieved independence in 1947. The Republic of India was established in 1947 and comprises 32 states and Union Territories, the latter controlled by the centr al government. The country covers about 3. 3 million square kilometres with a population of 1. 029 billion and dominates southern Asia. It is slightly larger than one-third the size of the United States. India is home to 17% of the worlds chalk up population, accommodated in an area that is 2.4% of the worlds total area. India has the worlds twelfth largest preservation and the third largest in Asia behind Japan and China, with a total GDP of slightly $570 billion. Services, industry and floriculture account for 50. 7%, 26. 6% and 22. 7% of GDP respectively. The United States is Indias largest trading partner. Bilateral change in 2003 was $18. 1 billion. There are some 16 official major dictions and 844 dialects. Among these dustups, side of meat enjoys sort out status, but is the most important langu mature for national, political, and commercial communication.Hindi is the national language and primary knife of 30% of the people. The other official languages are Bengali, Telugu, Marathi, Tamil, Urdu, Gujarati, Malayalam, Kannada, Oriya, Punjabi, Assamese, Kashmiri, Sindhi, and Sanskrit. Hindustani is a popular variant of Hindi/Urdu speak widely throughout northern India but is non an official language. Hinduism (80. 5%), Islam (13. 4%), Christianity (2. 3%), Sikh (1. 9%) are the major religions in the country. The literacy rate is 52% (of the total population of age 15 or older). 4 Chapter 1 General cultivation.Administration of Education The central and the state governments have union responsibility for education, with freedom for the state governments to organise education within the national framework of education. Educational policy planning is under the overall charge of the central Ministry of Human Resource festering which includes the Department of mere(a) Education and Literacy and the Department of subaltern and Higher Education. The Ministry is guided by the primal Advisory Board of Education (CABE) which is the national level advisory body.The education ministers of all the different states are members of the board. The National Council of Education enquiry and Training (NCERT) (1961) defines the National Frame Curriculum for classes I cardinal. It also functions as a resource rivet in the field of teach development and teacher education. State Councils of Educational look and Training (SCERT) are the principal research and development institutions in all the states. At secondary level, school boards at state level affiliate schools and set interrogative sentence standards in accordance with the national framework.The Central Board of junior-grade Education (CBSE) and Council for Indian School security measure Examinations (CISCE) cover all India besides the National Institute of easy Schooling (NIOS). National Policy on General Education Under the national constitution, education was a state matter until 1976. The central government could single provide guidance to the states on policy issues. In 1976 the constitution was amended to include education on the concurrent list. The initial attempts of designing a National Education Policy were made in 1968 but it was only in 1986 that India as a entire had a uniform National Policy on Education.The National Policy on Education 1986, change in 1992, defines the major goals for elementary education as universal access and enrolment, universal retention of children up to 14 long time and substantial usefulness in the quality of education. The National Policy of Education of 1992 also aims at vocationalisation of secondary education and greater wont of educational technology. The policy has been accompanied by several programmes such as the District primordial Education Program (DPEP) launched in 1994 and the National Campaign for Education for All (Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan) launched in 2001/2.A proposed bill on the right to education (draft, November 2005) stresses the right of all children from age 6 until their 15th birthda y to receive elementary education any in school or non-formal education (NFE). The Indian government is preparing the universalisation of secondary education (USE). The main aim is to provide high quality secondary education to all Indian adolescents up to the age of 16 by 2015, and senior secondary education up to the age of 18 by 2020. 5 Crucial problems in India are teacher absenteeism, noted by UNESCO in 2005high teacherpupil ratios and inadequate teaching materials and facilities, particularly in rural areas. At the other end of the scale, children attending urban schools, especially middle and upper class children in private schools, are subjected to extreme competition from a very previous(predicate) age in parliamentary procedure to particularize for admission into the best schools. In 1979-80, the Government of India, Department of Education launched a programme of Non-Formal Education (NFE) for children of 6-14 years age group, who cannot join regular schools drop-out s, work children, children from areas without easy access to schools etc.The initial focus of the object was on ten educationally backward states. Later, it was extended to urban slums, and hilly, tribal and desert areas in other states. point of reference UNESCO India, updated August 2003 and Annual Report 2004/5, Ministry of Human Resource Development, India (overview). Newsletter, October-December 2005, International Institute for Educational Planning, UNESCO. culture without Burden, NCERT, 1993, reprinted 2004. Annual report 2004/5, Ministry of Human Resource Development, India (annexes). School Education.A uniform structure of school education, the 10+2 system, has been adopted by all the states and Union Territories (UTs) of India pastime the National Policy on Education of 1986. Elementary school, Class I VIII, is recognised as the period of compulsory schooling, with the Constitutional amendment making education a fundamental right. A majority of the states and Unio n Territories (UTs) have introduced free education in classesI-XII. In states/UTs where education is not free for classes IX and above, the one-year fee varies considerably. The pre-school covers two to three years.The elementary constitute consists of a primary stage comprising Classes I-V (in some states I-IV), followed by a middle stage of education comprising Classes VI -VIII (in some states V-VIII or VI -VII). The minimum age for admission to Class I of the primary school is generally 5+ or 6+. The secondary stage consists of Classes IX-X (in some states VIII-X), and a senior secondary stage of schooling comprising classes XI-XII in all states. In some states/UTs these classes are attached to universities/colleges. The number of working years of school education in a year is generally more than 200 days in all the states/UTs.Participation in primary and secondary education The Gross Enrolment proportionality (GER), which indicates the number of children actually enrolled in elementary schools as a proportion of child population in the 6-14 years age group, has increased progressively since 1950-51, rising from 32. 1% to 82. 5% in 2002-03, according to statistics create by the Ministry of Human Resource Development in India. The rate of increase in GER of girls has been higher than that of boys. The dropout rate at the primary level (Classes I-V) declined from 39% in 2001-02 to 34. 9% in 2002-03.However the GER only covers 61% of children from classes VI to VIII. 6 In 2002/3 the dropout rate was estimated at 34. 9% at the end of let down primary classes and 52. 8% at the end of upper primary. The dropout rate was 62. 6% at the end of secondary school (Class X). There are wide disparities among the different states in the number of children completing primary and secondary school from less than 20% to more than 80%, according to the central statistics from the Ministry of Human Resource Development. Source Selected Educational Statistics 2002-03. Pro visional.Ministry of Human Resource Development, India Annual Report 2004/5. Ministry of Human Resource Development, India substitute(prenominal) Education. Department of Secondary and Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development, India (information on the Departments website) National Curricula The National Council of Education Research and Training (NCERT) formulate the first Curriculum mannikin in 1975 as a recommendation to the individual states. NCERT was accorded the responsibility of create a binding National Curriculum textile through the National Policy on Education (NPE) (1986).NCERT reviews the computer programme both five years on the rump of consultations within the whole school sector. The core areas of the curriculum are common. tenet of English is usually compulsory in classes VI-X in most of the states/UTs. NCERT print a New National Curriculum framework in 2005. The New National Curriculum impart be introduced in textbooks in three phases h uman body one, 2006-07 classes I, III, VI, IX and XI. Phase two, 2007-08 classes II, IV, VII, X and XII Phase three, 2008-09classes V and VIII NCERT has gradually been changing the curriculum from traditional information provision to be more learner-oriented and competence-based.National Curriculum Framework 2000 The National Curriculum Framework 2000 operates with the concept of the Minimum Levels of Learning (MLLs) identifying certain(prenominal) essential levels of learning for each stage of school education. Pre-primary education The National Policy on Education defines the objective of early childhood care and education (ECCE) as being the total development of children in the age group 0-6 years.Early Childhood Education (ECE) or pre-primary education (2 years), part of the ECCE, shall prepare children for school. Teaching at this stage, according to the National Curriculum Framework, comprises group activities, playway techniques, language games, number games and activities say at promoting socialisation and environmental awareness among children. Formal teaching of subjects and reading and writing are prohibited. However, NCERT potently criticised the actual pre-school programmes for exposing children to structured formal learning, often in7 English with tests and homework, in the introductory notes to the spic-and-span National Curriculum Framework 2005.The competition for the best education starts at a very early age. Newspapers from September 2005 in India report of tremendous pressure on three-year old children being prepared by their parents for nursery interviews and competing with a huge number of other children for places in the most prestigious private pre-schools. The newspapers report on private persons/institutes that offer help to parents in preparing their children for nursery interviews.Other newspapers report the need for psychological support for children having developed speaking difficulties after having been exposed to onerous pr eparation by their parents for nursery interviews. Primary education At the primary stage, emphasis is on the process of understanding, thinking and internalising. The National Curriculum contains the following subjects Subject Language(s) Lower primary Classes I-II The gravel tongue/regional language Lower primary Classes III-V The mother tongue/regional language Upper primary Classes VI-VIII.Three Languages the mother tongue/the regional language, a modern Indian language and English All kind of imaginative activities including the childs own creations Essentials of mathematics for every day activities, including geometry Art education Mathematics Art of healthy and productive living Woven around the world of the learner Creative education, health and physical education, work education, value inculcation Integrated come up Environmental studies Health and physical education wisdom and technology Social sciences.-Work education Integrated advent to music, dance, drama, d rawing and painting, puppetry, health and physical education, games and sports, yoga and productive work Experiences to help socio- emotional and cultural development with a realistic awareness and perception of phenomena occurring in the environment Games and sports, yoga, NCC and scouting and guiding Key concepts across all the disciplines of science, local and global concerns Social, political and economic situation of India and the world, including Indian cultural heritage.Academic skills social skills and civic competencies Agricultural and technological processes including participation in work situation Source National Curriculum Framework 2000 8 In all language education programmes, the stress is placed on the ability to use the language in speech and in writing for academic purposes, at the workplace and in familiarity in general. The duration of a class period whitethorn be around 40 transactions and, according to NCERT, the school year should be a minimum of 180 days, and A primary school should function for five hours a day out of which quaternion hours may be set aside for instruction.For the upper primary and secondary schools, the duration of a school day should be six-spot hours out of which five hours should be kept for instruction and the rest for the other routine activities. Secondary education (2 years, grades IX-X) In grades IX-X the scheme of studies should include the following subjects three languages (the mother tongue/the regional language, a modern Indian language and English), mathematics, science and technology, social sciences, work education, art education, health and physical education.Foreign languages such as Chinese, Japanese, Russian, French, German, Arabic, Persian and Spanish may be offered as additional options. The curriculum in mathematics should take into account both the learning requirement of learners who will leave school for working life sentence, and of students who will trace higher education.According to the NECRT Secondary School Curriculum 2002-2004 (Vol.1, Main Subjects) the suggested number of weekly periods per subject in grade X is as follows Subject Language I Language II Mathematics Science and technology Social science Work education or pre-vocational education Art education Suggested number of periods in grade X 7 6 7 9 9 3 + 2 to 6 periods outside school hours 2 The boards, however, according to NCERT, often offer limited or no facultative courses two languages (one of which is English), mathematics, science and social sciences are the veritable(prenominal) examination subjects.A few boards advocate students to favour an optional course from a range that includes economics, music and cookery. Higher secondary/Senior secondary education (2 years, grades XIXII) The curriculum at this stage is divided into an academic rate of flow and a vocational stream. Academic stream The objectives of academic courses are to promote problem-solving abilities and convey higher le vels of knowledge. The curriculum at this stage comprises foundation courses and elective courses. Foundation courses consist of (i) language and literature, (ii) work education, and (iii) health and physical education, games and sports.The study of language prepares a student to both learn and use language in the classroom, the community and the workplace. The choice of the language to be studied is decided by the learner. Work education includes e. g. developmental projects in a hamlet or city. Generic Vocational Courses (GVC) aim at developing employment-related generic skills regardless of the persons occupations. The student should choose three elective courses out of the subjects 9 prescribed by the boards. Elective courses may include bridging courses amid the academic and vocational streams.The list of courses may include modern Indian languages, Sanskrit, classical European languages and their literatures, English (academic and specialised), other foreign languages, subje cts in the sciences and mathematics, computer science, accountancy, business studies, engineering, political science, history, sociology, psychology, philosophy, fine arts and others. NCERT prescribes that courses should be listed together without dividing them into mutually exclusive groups. Nonetheless, several boards restrict the combinations in the form of a science stream, arts stream and commerce stream.Some schools tailor their classes to medical and engineering courses. Universities restrict admissions based on the subjects and combinations of courses studied in the +2 stage. Sixty pct of the instructional time is devoted to the instruction of elective subjects and forty percent to the foundation course. Vocational stream The introduction of the vocational stream was recommended by the central Kothari Commission (1964-66). The National Policy on Education, 1986 (revised 1992) set a target of twenty-five percent of higher secondary students in vocational courses by 1995.So fa r, enrolment is far below this. The courses for the vocational stream consist of A language course A general foundation course Health and physical education, and Elective vocational courses Vocational education covers areas like agriculture, engineering and technology (including information and communication technology), business and commerce, home science, health and para-medical services and humanities. Language courses are organised to cover the grammatical structures and additional vocabulary particular to the trade or vocation.The general foundation course for the vocational stream comprises general studies, entrepreneurship development, environmental education, rural development and information and communication technology. Vocational electives are organised according to employment opportunities. Practical training is an essential component of the vocational courses, according to the National Curriculum Framework, with seventy percent of time devoted to vocational courses. The certificate issued should mention the competencies acquired and the credits earned. Organisation The organisation of teaching is based either on an annual or semester system.In most cases, a years course is divided into two part to be covered in the two halves of an academic session in the annual system. Marks are accorded to a certain number of periods the total mark is an average of marks accorded to the different parts of curriculum in an annual or semestrial examination (e. g. a paper corresponding to a 3-hour compose examination). 10 The example below copied from the Senior School Curriculum 2007 (Central Board of Secondary Education) illustrates a typical curriculum (in history) and the maximum marks accorded to the different parts of the curriculum.History/Class XI Paper peerless Unit Part A Ancient India 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. . 30. Total Introduction Paleolithic Cultures and Beginning of settled liveness Harappan Civilization The Early Vedic Pe riod Later Vedic Phase and Iron Age federation and North-East India Religious traditions Mahajanapada Mauryas Society, Economy and Culture during Mauryan period Post-Mauryan India The age of India from Guptas and after The Society and Culture in the age of Guptas and Harsha Project Work 100 marks 8 4 8 8 5 2 10 4 10 6 6 8 8 . 5 8 9 5 2 7 7 Time 3 Hours Periods 100 Marks Marks.In the semester system, recommended by NCERT, students take a number of credit hours corresponding to their requirements and capacity, and at their own pace. However, only a few institutions have adopted the semester and credit system. National Curriculum Framework 2005 The National Curriculum Framework 2005 points out the need for plurality and flexibility within education while maintaining the standards of education in order to cover a growing variety of children. The Framework recommends that learning shifts away from rote methods and that the curriculum reduces and updates textbooks. two-eyed violet educ ation is included as a dimension in education. The new curriculum proposes a broader spectrum of optional subjects, including the revalorisation of vocational options. Courses may be designed to offer optional modules, rather than trying to cover everything and overfilling courses similarly much. The National Curriculum Framework 2005 also proposes changes within the examination system (examinations for classes X and XII) allowing reasoning and creative abilities to replace memorisation. The children should be able to opt for different levels of attainment. Textbooks 11.Most states have legislated to create bodies for the preparation of syllabi and textbooks. The states have established various mechanisms for the preparation and approval of textual materials. However, a study in 2005, undertaken by the Central Advisory Board of Education (CABE), of textbooks used in government schools (not following the CBSE syllabus) and in nongovernment schools (including social and unearthly sc hools) showed that many textbooks reinforce inequalities and neglect rural, tribal or female realities. According to NCERT Newsletter, in 2005, CABE proposed the institution of a National Textbook Council to monitor textbooks.Source National Curriculum Framework 2000, National Council of Education Research and Training (NCERT), India National Curriculum Framework 2005, National Council of Education Research and Training (NCERT), India Newsletter July 2005, National Council of Education Research and Training (NCERT), India Senior School Curriculum 2007, Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), India, 2005 Examination and Assessment In all the states and Union Territories, public examinations are conducted at the end of classes X and XII by the respective State Boards of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education.Ministry of Human Resource Development has published a list of recognised state boards for secondary and higher secondary education. The minimum age for admittance to t he Secondary School Examination generally varies from 14+ to 16+. The minimum age for Higher Secondary School Examinations varies from 16+ to 18+ years. Some states/UTs do not have an age restriction. The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), established by a special resolution of the Government of India in 1929, prescribes examination conditions and the conduct of public examinations at the end of Standard X and XII.The Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE), Delhi, was established in 1958 by the University of Cambridge, Local Examinations Syndicate as a self-financing national examination board. The Council conducts the Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (Standard X) and the Indian School Certificate (Standard XII) examinations. CISCE affiliates schools using English as a medium of instruction. The title of the final qualification varies depending upon the examining body. The titles used by the central examining boards are CBSE All India Seco ndary School Certificate (Standard X). All India Senior School Certificate (Standard XII). 12 CISCE Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE Standard X). Indian School Certificate (ISC Standard XII). Certificate of Vocational Education (CVE XII). Information from the procedure of the All India Senior School Certificate (Standard XII) (extract) The Board conducts examination in all subjects omit General Studies, Work Experience, Physical and Health Education, which will be assessed internally by the schools based on cumulative records of students periodical achievements and progress during the year.In all subjects examined by the Board, a student will be given one paper each carrying 100 marks for 3 hours. However, in subjects requiring practical examination, in that location will be a theory paper and a practical examination as involve in the syllabi and courses. A outlook may offer an additional subject that can be either a language at elective level or another electi ve subject as prescribed in the Scheme of Studies, subject to the conditions laid down in the Pass Criteria. A candidate will get the Pass Certificate of the Board, if he/she gets a grade higher than E in all subjects of internal assessment unless he/she is exempted.Failing this, result of the external examination will be withheld but not for a period of more than one year. In order to be state as having passed the examination, a candidate shall obtain a grade higher than E (i. e. at least(prenominal) 33% marks) in all the five subjects of external examination in the main or at the compartmental examinations. The pass marks in each subject of external examination shall be 33%. In case of a subject involving practical work a candidate must obtain 33% marks in theory and 33% marks in practical separately in addition to 33% marks in aggregate in order to qualify in that subject.A candidate failing in two of the five subjects of external examination shall be placed in compartment in t hose subjects provided he/she qualifies in all the subjects of internal assessment. A candidate who has failed in the examination in the first attempt shall be required, to re- come forward in all the subjects at the subsequent annual examination of the Board. A candidate who has passed the Senior School Certificate Examination of the Board may offer an additional subject as a private candidate provided the additional subject is provided in the Scheme of Studies and is offered within six years of passing the examination of the Board.A candidate who has passed an examination of the Board may reappear for improvement of performance in one or more subject(s) in the main examination in the bring home the bacon year only however, a candidate who has passed an examination of the Board under Vocational Scheme may reappear for improvement of performance in one or more subjects) in the main examination in the succeeding year or in the following year provided he/she has not pursued higher st udies in the mean time. He /she will appear as private candidate.Candidates who appear for improvement of performance will be issued only Statement of Marks reflecting the marks of the main examination as well as those of the improvement examination. Central Board of Secondary Education Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) is one of the three national boards of secondary education in India. CBSE has affiliated around 8,300 schools including government and independent 13 schools. It also affiliates schools in some 20 African and Asian countries. about(predicate) 200 new schools are affiliated each year.Study teams conduct regular inspections of the affiliated institutions. CBSE has a central office and 6 regional offices. Permanent affiliation is obtained after a number of years. standstill is granted according to strict criteria. A list of affiliated schools can be found on CBSE s website http//www. cbse. nic. in. The major objective is to prescribe conditions of examinatio ns and conduct public examinations at the end of Classes X and XII and to grant certificates to successful candidates of the affiliated schools.All affiliated schools follow the national scheme of 10+2. here(predicate) is an example of testimonial for All India Senior School Certificate Examination from 2000 CBSE is regulated but not financed by the central government. Financing is assured by fees from the affiliated schools. CBSE accepts private candidates. CBSE develops its curriculum on the basis of the national curriculum framework. The curriculum is revised every 5 to 10 years. Two of the front line curriculum subjects are revised every year.According to CBSE, it strives notably to adapt current teaching methods and national of teaching to an innovative and creative society in the form of subjects such as functional English, bio-technology, entrepreneurship, life skills education, and disaster management. An important objective is the destressing of education, including no ho mework or examinations in grades I and II and only achievement reports in grades III-V. Information technology is compulsory in grades IX +X. Language studies include a possible 27 different languages besides Hindi and English. One teacher may teach four subjects up to grade X.
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