Thursday, November 28, 2019

Clouds Essays - Cloud, The Clouds, Serbian Folklore,

Clouds Clouds I'VE OPENED THE CURTAIN of my east window here above the computer, and I sit now in a holy theater before a sky-blue stage. A little cloud above the neighbor's trees resembles Jimmy Durante's nose for a while, then becomes amorphous as it slips on north. Other clouds follow, big and little and tiny on their march toward whereness. Wisps of them lead or droop because there must always be leading and drooping. The trees seem to laugh at the clouds while yet reaching for them with swaying branches. Trees must think that they are real, rooted, somebody, and that perhaps the clouds are only tickled water which sometimes blocks their sun. But trees are clouds, too, of green leaves--clouds that only move a little. Trees grow and change and dissipate like their airborne cousins. And what am I but a cloud of thoughts and feelings and aspirations? Don't I put out tentative mists here and there? Don't I occasionally appear to other people as a ridiculous shape of thoughts without my intending to? Don't I drift toward the north when I feel the breezes of love and the warmth of compassion? If clouds are beings, and beings are clouds, are we not all well advised to drift, to feel the wind tucking us in here and plucking us out there? Are we such rock-hard bodily lumps as we imagine? Drift, let me. Sing to the sky, will I. One in many, are we. Let us breathe the breeze and find therein our roots in the spirit. I close the curtain now, feeling broader, fresher. The act is over. Applause is sweeping through the trees.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Alpha And Omega Of Active Compasion Essays - Free Essays

Alpha And Omega Of Active Compasion Essays - Free Essays Alpha And Omega Of Active Compasion Alpha and Omega of Active Compassion Have you ever walked down a crowded city street and looked down to see a homeless man stretching out his soiled hand in hopes of a measly dollar? As human beings, are we obligated to give this man our earning? And just how much do we give him? A dollar? Our VISA card? We have a general responsibility, as residents of civilization, to our fellow man, as long as it doesnt interfere with our own personal progress. The ideals of welfare, charity, and the generous foreign policies are all prime examples of our aid to others, but the world is still uncertain on, how much do we give?. The idea of welfare was founded in the United States around the time of the great depression. It was meant to temporarily help the financially less fortunate. This was intended to get the ball rolling for the economy. The government would play Robin Hood by taking from those who had money, and giving it to help those who didnt. In time, they would put their feet back on the ground and would no longer need the relief of their government. This was a very kind and productive way to help our fellow man in his time of need. Unfortunately somewhere along the line the idea of helping the broke modified, and we were simply giving them money when they had no intention on recovering from the debts of poverty. And so we continued to show everyone else how to get money for free. This is an excellent example on how we exceeded our obligation to others. Instead of a few dollars of generosity to uphold others, we give up to half of our earnings to support those who choose not to help themselves. By doing this, we have slowed our individual progress in society. Charity is another form of helping the less fortunate persons on earth. That, unlike welfare, is to be executed at our own discretion. There is no forcing hand in charity, although sometimes we still do not know were to our responsibly begins and ends. Some individuals feel they have no responsibility toward others, and some feel they have no boundaries to their giving. How much should we give? Is it sufficient to toss a quarter or two into a cup of a broken man on the boardwalks of Atlantic City? Or should we take the man under our wings, feed, clothe and house him? The idea seems silly, but it helps us draw the line to where our responsibility to our fellow man begins and ends. The loss of pocket change wound not interfere with our lives, but the taking in of a strange man would certainly slow the progress of our success. That is where we stop giving. The stunning of development of one potentially fortuitous human being isnt worth the slight elevation of an already broken man. That would simply slow the growth of civilization. The foreign policies of the United States, in particular, are more than generous. Week after week, taxes are taken out of paycheck by the government. This money in turn does not always flow back to our masses, but the masses of other nations. It is understood that the poverty levels of the less flourishing countries are extreme. We know they are starving, freezing, and dying. So our government sends the taxes collected to those countries in need. That would be acceptable if we ourselves didnt have citizens starving, freezing, and dying. That is just one more example of how we have anchored our progress as a nation to help others, when we ourselves need the food, cloths and homes. We all have a responsibility to our fellow man. Otherwise, civilization would not exist. But we must all know we cannot help others until we achieve perfection within ourselves. We cannot give more than we can afford to give. We cannot stop our progression to aid others, so that, in turn, we are so disadvantaged that we need help ourselves. Compassion is the key to humanity, but survival is still the key to life. Bibliography none.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Small Business Strategies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Small Business Strategies - Essay Example In recent years, truck foods have tremendously grown. This tremendous resurgence had been fueled various factors including technological advancements in the food production industry, post-recessionary factors among others. Technology has taken part in a significant role in the development of truck food industry. The manufacturers of food production equipment have effectively managed to develop equipment that are effective in terms their mobility, reliability as well as environmental friendliness. In most cases, food truck businesses are sole proprietorship businesses. In this form of business, the business is owned by one person. The most important feature of this form of business and in particular to a truck food business the regulations do not make any peculiarity between the business and the sole proprietor. Virtually, all government regulations that are associated the owner covers the business. Food trucks are a question to the same choice of concern just like other food service business. Most they have a fixed address to receive deliveries of supplies. In other cases, a commercial kitchen may be required for the preparation of food. There are various forms of permits and licenses that may be required for a food truck business to be operational. Additionally, the business may require certification from the public health departments to ensure that the health code is observed. Although the legal requirements and definition for food truck businesses may vary depending on the location some typical elements include business as well as liability insurance, a commercial vehicle operator registration of the truck, a work permit for the area in which the business will be operated, food handler certificate, the necessary driver licenses for the truck driver among other requirements (Weber 139). After acquiring the necessary legal requirements, starting a truck food business is just like any other form of business. Apparently, the

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Online social entrepreneurship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Online social entrepreneurship - Essay Example Eden project currently employs 650 people and offers 300 people the opportunity to volunteer for them. The Eden project works as a social enterprise as all the profits made are re-invested back into the project. The project itself works on behalf of a trust by Eden Project Limited; this trust is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Eden trust. The Eden project is also a registered charity in the UK (number 1093070). The largest funds which helped built the project came through The Millennium Commission which raised over  £56 million adding on the EU and Southwest Regional Development Agency also raised approximately  £50 million between them. In the financial year 2012-2013 notable companies like Rio Tinto, MasterCard and EDF Energy helped donate funds that financed the Edens projects short-term and long-term costs. The project has helped build the local economy by contributing over  £1 Billion since 2001. The overall cost of building the Eden project is  £140 million. After a lot of consideration as a group we decided to work on the Eden Project mainly because most of us had an interest towards the environment and had prior knowledge about different species of plants. We also believed the Eden project was very relevant towards us as the Eden project mainly targets students that want to explore and learn about the environment. Nowadays, social entrepreneurship is becoming more popular. As a matter of fact, many theories have been written about social entrepreneurship and its shared values. Even though there is a wide selection of literature concerning these theories, the aim of this review will be focusing on three areas that appear often in the literature reviewed. The first area will be the nature of social entrepreneurship, then the online part of the social entrepreneurship and the enhancement of the social value throughout different frameworks. However, the literature reviewed

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Marketing Communication Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Marketing Communication - Assignment Example Role of branding A brand name out to be good and appealing to many. It ensures that the attention of many is captured. A good brand name has a lot of advantages and enables a company or an organization achieves the following in the long run. One, is that it conveys the message that is intended. Good branding eliminates any possibilities of a wrong message being passed to the consumers. Another is that a good brand image gives a confirmation of the trustworthiness of a company. Such a thing makes the consumers view a company as being credible and are able to adopt their products and be loyal to them. Good branding also has an effect of linking goal predictions emotionally. Buyers often derive their motivation of purchases from good branding. Buyers have a tendency of believing that products that appeal to them are the ones they go for. Hence, if a buyer cannot find a brand appealing, they obviously will not have any taste to even think of purchasing the product. Last but not least, go od brands strengthen user loyalty. Consumers trust good branding since a good brand promises utmost satisfaction and, therefore, such can concrete in a very strong way the loyalty of the consumers to the product (Fanning, 2006). Product parity Product parity is all about the similarity or equality that exists between products. There are many products in the market that share a lot of attributes. They might have some slight difference, but the notable attributes shared by the products outweigh the slight difference. Such products deserve to be branded as one. Companies are in the verge of getting the largest market share globally and amassing huge revenues and profits as possible. Firms try as much as possible to find ways of dominating the market and also ways of diversifying their sources of revenues. They, therefore, have to think,and even if it means improvement of a product or finding new ways of presenting an already existing product to consumers so as to create a new impressio n in the eyes of the consumers. Organizations that have invented a product and presented into the market, may not have gained a wider market with that brand. As a result, they might want to rebrand it for the sake of making huge sales and increasing the market share of the product (Fanning, 2006). In such a case, the two brands might be different but the product still remains the same. In another case, a company might want to make an improvement of the product and slightly change its name. There is no big difference between the new product and the original one as the fact remains that it possesses about 98% of the product, and a very minute change just for the sake of making huge sales for profits. Furthermore, companies might want to expand its product by producing other products of one king but that have little difference. An example is the co-cola company which produces the Coca-Cola drink. The Coca-Cola Company has produced many sodas under it, a business that started with the i nvention of the Coca-Cola. So far, it has diversified into the production of sodas like Fanta. Fanta is of different flavors. There is the pineapple flavor,

Friday, November 15, 2019

Analysis of Economic Factors in a Business

Analysis of Economic Factors in a Business Profit Sharing, Revenue Sharing, Piece Rate, Time Clocks and Spot Checks Submitted by Group 6:- Neethi Nair-14020541031 Neha Paswan-14020541032 Nilesh Tayade-14020541033 Nishant Thool-14020541034 Nishith Mohanty-14020541035 Nitish Vats – 14020541036 Akanksha Chaudhary 14020541065 Profit Sharing:- Profit sharing are the commission plans to introduced by business firms that provides direct or indirect wages to the employees that is dependent on the company’s profit earned, in addition to the employee’s regular salary and bonuses. In public companies, these are the profitability assigned to the employee as the equity shares. Profit sharing plans are generally based upon the predetermined economic sharing regulations that define how much should be split between the company as a principal and the employee as an agent. The manager can use this to enhance workers’ efforts making the workers’ compensation dependent on the underlying profitability of the firm. Offering workers compensation that is tied to underlying profitability provides an incentive for workers to put forth more effort. The company can also earn profit from this, by sharing the profit with the employees’ retirement benefit account, which will be non-taxable for the company. Profit sharing is a type of variable pay, which is dependent on the profit gained by the company. Wells Fargo Company is an American multinational banking and financial services holding company which is headquartered in San Francisco, California, with hub-quarters throughout the country. It is the fourth largest bank in the U.S. by assets and the largest bank by market capitalization. Its profit sharing is as follows:- ( For companies, size really doesn’t matter to offer profit sharing. Employee eligibility is set while joining. Employer: Up to 25% of compensation or $52,000 in 2014. Profit sharing plans allow the company to vary every year according to the profit. The contributions are deducted from the taxable income. The withdrawn contribution and earnings are taxed as ordinary income. Stocks, bonds, mutual funds and Advisory Products available through a Wells Fargo Advisors brokerage account. There will be a 10% IRS early withdrawal penalty if the profit is withdrawn before age 59 ½ unless valid exception. Exceptions: Normal retirement age Separation of service after five years and reaching age 55 Death Disability Substantial equal periodic payments over life expectancy Qualified military reservist Required withdrawals must begin at age 70 ½ Deadline to set up and Fund Must be established by the last day of the business’ fiscal year Contributions may be made up through the business tax filing date (plus extensions) REVENUE SHARING : Revenue sharing is a business arrangement that makes it possible for two or more parties to share in the profits and losses realized by a business operation. The exact structure of the revenue sharing strategy varies based on governmental regulations that are applied in the jurisdiction in which the business is located, and the terms and provisions found in the contract that establishes the working relationship between the concerned parties. This approach may be used to compensate employees of the firm above and beyond the usual salary or wages, or be used to provide compensation to affiliate partners in an online business venture. Within a business setting, revenue sharing may take place as part of a limited partnership arrangement. Here, the partners agree to share in the profits and losses sustained by the operation, with specific provisions on how those profits and losses are shared each accounting period. Essentially, the general partner has the responsibility of reporting the l evel of profit or loss incurred to the limited partners, then compensating them according to the terms found in the partnership agreement. USER ROLES: Managers will setup available business models and parts of them are the revenue share model Service provider will setup revenue share model associated to Applications and services, and they have to be loaded in the Revenue Settlement Sharing System Developers have to know about the revenues of their applications and services Involved service/applications providers have to know about the revenues of their applications and services The following figure shows a conceptual architecture of a system for settling and sharing revenues. There are a number of different sources of revenues for a given service that will be integrated and processed according to the business model of each service and the revenue sharing policies specified for each partner. The final revenues balance will be transferred to a payment broker to deliver the payments to each provider/developer Infinite Risk/Reward Revenue-Sharing model Case Study: Raising the Bar in Smart Pricing Smart Pricing has received a lot of attention in the Information Communication Technology (ICT) industry over the last 12 months. IT service providers are touting it as a key differentiator in a very competitive post-crisis environment, and organizations are demanding for more risk/reward and usage-based pricing so that their ICT partners have more accountability in each engagement and these ICT engagements are more aligned to business priorities. International Data Corporation (IDC) is predicting that Smart Pricing will account for close to 50% of all ICT services transactions by 2015. Infinite, an Indian IT services and software provider, has been one of the most aggressive services providers in this game changing market dynamic whereby approximately 30% of its total revenue is derived from risk/reward pricing models. Its intellectual property–based revenue sharing model is certainly setting the pace in the industry where many ICT service providers are still struggling to co me up with the right formula. Infinite is not only setting the pace in Smart Pricing models in the ICT industry, it has clearly raised the bar for the rest of the field. Organization Overview: Infinite Computer Solutions is an India-headquartered global services provider of infrastructure management services, intellectual property (IP)-leveraged solutions, and IT services. The company focuses on the telecom, media, technology, manufacturing, power, and healthcare industries. Presently, telecom is its principal vertical and this includes telecom service providers as well as networking equipment vendors. Its services portfolios span application management outsourcing, packaged application services, independent validation and verification, product  development and support, and higher value-added offerings including managed platform and product engineering services. It currently has 3,668 employees and has a global footprint of 16 offices across the globe including Singapore, the U.S., the U.K., India, Malaysia, and China. RD sites are concentrated in Indian cities like Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad and Gurgaon. The company is listed on the NSE and BSE and its FY10 revenue was approximately US$140 million. Infinite has a healthy mix of customers from the list of Fortune 100 companies including IBM, Alcatel Lucent, and Motorola across several verticals, but its strengths continue to be in the telecom and healthcare sectors. Challenges Solutions : Mature products are targets: Currently, Infinite works with organizations, examines their or their clients product portfolios, and identifies products or solutions that are mature and have a significant installed base. The products continue to be essential to many buyers, have a proven revenue generating record, and can be better streamlined via an off shoring model to India. The upside potential must be significant: Infinite will have to execute careful due diligence before actually making any large-scale investment. One of the guiding principles is that the product or solution must be able to deliver 20%–50% growth over the next few years with further investments. Risk/reward pricing models vary: Infinite has made significant progress in raising the share of its revenue that is derived from risk/reward pricing models. It currently stands at close to 30%, one of the highest if not the highest in the industry. Revenue derived or splits between Infinite and client varies from deal to deal but it is dependent on several factors. For every There are usually three sets of revenue streams to drive growth. Additional new sales of the product, services revenue, and annual maintenance are the three sets of revenue streams to drive growth. The combination of these three must be able to deliver an upside that ranges 25%–50% of growth. The proportion of revenue that is attributed to the customer will generally be lower if the revenue upside potential is less, accounting for new investments that could refresh the product. How much to invest in the new product? : Infinite would also need to do its due diligence as to what and how much investment it needs to put into these products to generate the type of growth that it is looking for. Aware that some of these products have great fluctuations in revenue, which may be difficult to forecast, the company has to factor this into its planning. Results: According to IDC this unique engagement model and smart pricing will eventually define the ICT industry over the next few years. Clearly one of the trendsetters, Infinite is setting an excited pace in Smart Pricing that many of its competitors will have to play catch-up. Infinites unique smart pricing model has achieved sustainable returns. In todays economic environment, organizations are looking for flexibility and agility; and as a result of this relationship, many of its existing clients are now able to realign their resources by channeling them into strategic areas of growth. Increase in the value of offerings as RD investment in core products as well as additional Infinite capital ploughed in will have the overall impact of enhancing the total solution or product portfolio. The company posts 20%–50% revenue growth, usually depending on a number of factors including how speculative the product or solution is. Infinite is clearly on a growth trajectory and thus, its IP-based risk/reward model has found a warm reception among some organizations. Piece-rate pay:- Piece-rate pay gives a payment for each item produced and is therefore the easiest way for a business to ensure that employees are paid for the amount of work they do. Piece-rate pay is also sometimes referred to as a â€Å"payment by results system†, â€Å"piece work† or â€Å"performance related pay†. The oldest type of performance pay, piece rate is when an employee is paid a fixed rate for each unit of production. In other words, he or she is paid by results. For example, a factory worker may be paid per item he or she makes on a production line. In the United Kingdom and in various other countries with minimum wage laws, pay rate must be used in unification with minimum wage laws for employees. For example, an employee who works at a $0.1 per-piece rate and completes 70 pieces in an hour would not receive $7.00 but would receive his state’s minimum wage, which might be, for example, $7.25 an hour. However if he is able to work fast enough to complete 90 pieces in an hour he can earn $9.00 per hour. So, per-piece rate pay can act as an incentive for employees. Incentive contracts such as piece rates and profit sharing are designed to solve principal–agent problems when effort is not observable. The benefits of the piece rate system is that it motivates employees financially to complete as much work as they can, and consequently they can increase their monetary reward by maximizing their output. A potential problem with paying workers based on a piece rate is that effort must be expended in quality control; otherwise, workers may attempt to produce quantity at the expense of quality. Therefore, piece-rate pay encourages effort, but, it is reasoned, often at the expense of quality. From the employee’s perspective, there can be certain problems which might affect the production and eventually affect their pay. The problems which can possibly hamper the production may include breakdown of the production machinery or delay in the delivery of the raw materials which slows down the production. These factors are outside of the employee’s control – but could potentially affect their pay. The solution to these problems is that piece-rate pay systems tend, to have two elements: A basic pay element which is a fixed time- based element An output-related element- Generally the piece-rate element is only elicited by the business exceeding a target output in a specific defined period of time Piece-rate systems are broadly classified into three categories: i. Straight Piece-rate ii. Piece-rate with Guaranteed time rates iii. Differential Piece-rates Straight Piece-rate method payment is made on the basis of affixed amount per units produced without regard to the time taken. Thus the earnings could be calculated as follows: Earnings= Number of units x rate per unit. The fixations of piece rate generally depend upon: The comparable time rate for the same class of workers The expected output in given time In Guaranteed time rates system payment is at time rates but adjusted to the cost of living. The employer balances the high labor cost by increasing the price of the products. The merit awards for skills, personal qualities, ability, punctuality etc. are also considered in this system. Differential Piece-rate system is a wage plan based on a standard task time wherein the worker receives increased or decreased piece rates as his production varies from that expected for the standard time. This is also known as an accelerating incentive. Comparison of three price rate systems Wages during Differential Piece rate Period Straight Piece rate Guaranteed Base wage Straight piece rate with minimum guaranteed wage Standard output Output in pieces produced Time clocks and spot checks :- Few methods of encouraging workers to put forth their best efforts are piecework, time clocks, and spot checks. Time clock is relatively simple and inexpensive technique to introduce into a place of business; however the flaws in it is that the information received from time clock is relatively useless in determining employee’s working habits. A time clock can only inform a manager of how long an employee spends in the workplace, but not how much time the employee is actually spending working i.e. how efficiently is he working. There could be a possibility that the employee is simply socializing most of the day or just doing the irrelevant tasks and the time clock would make no determination between employee with such behavior and the employee who works diligently throughout the workday. So, we can say that Time clocks don’t monitor efforts made by the employee; rather, simply measures his presence at the workplace from beginning to the end of workday. Thus it acts as an inferior method to monitor manager-worker problems. A more efficient method than Time clock that not just measures the time spent by employee at workplace ,but also measures his/her performance, is spot check. In this case the manager gives time to time visit at workplace to monitor its employees. The objective of these spot checks and inspections is to counter irregularities committed against the Community budget. The spot checks may concern, in particular Business books and documents such as invoices, pay slips, bank statements, lists of terms and conditions, statements of materials used and work done, and Computer data Packaging, Production and dispatching systems and methods Physical checks as to the nature and quantity of goods or completed operations The collection and checking of samples The progress of works and investments for which financing has been provided, and the how it has been used Accounting and budgetary documents The technical and financial implementation of subsidized projects The advantages of spot checks are as follows: It reduces the cost of monitoring workers The managers need not to be available at different places at same time It also increases employee efficiency. With workers not knowing if the manager will show up or not, they put more effort at work, as suddenly getting caught â€Å"goofing off† may lead to dismissal or a reduction in pay As everything has its pros and cons, same is the case with Spot checking. Some of disadvantages of spot checks are as follows: Frequent spot checks, however, are costly and reduce the firm’s profitability Spot checks work, in effect, through threat These can have negative impact on employees moral; he/she can’t work freely at workplace due to threat of being watched every moment.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Foundation Degree in Accounting & Finance Essay -- Business Management

Foundation Degree in Accounting & Finance How training contributes to the achievement of business objectives In order for the organisation to benefit from successful training, there must be a planned and systematic approach to effect management of training. R Harrison (1989:48) defined systematic approach as â€Å"†¦in order to determine as precisely as possible what are the minimum resources the organisation should invest for the development of its workforce, an accurate assessment should be made of known and agreed training needs at all levels. A training plan can then be formulated which can guide the organisation in its investment of resources, in the operation of training and development, and in their evaluation.† A plan for training and development can guide top management to make the following decisions:  · Decision about the investment of resources through time.  · Decision about the agreed corporate goals and strategy for employee development.  · Decision about the key roles necessary to ensure effective implementation of strategy. Within the individual manager’s department, there should be the same agreement on what overall needs exist, however they may be defined and over whatever time length they are to be met. The manager can then put forward a reasoned case for the resources to meet those needs. L Mullins (2002:694) cited that â€Å"The purpose of training is to improve knowledge and skills, and to change attitudes. It is one of the most important potential motivators. This can lead to many possible benefits for both individuals and the organisation.† L Mullins (2002) suggested that training can make an impact on the organisation: * Increase the confident, motivation and commitment of staff. * Provide recognition, enhanced responsibility and the possibility of increased pay and promotion. * Give a feeling of personal satisfaction and achieve, and broaden opportunities for career progression. * Help to improve the availability and quality of staff. Therefore we can see that training is an essential element of improving organisational performance. The intention of training is to generate a greater measure of positive commitment, a reduction of workplace alienation and enhanced quality of output. D Torrington et al (2002) suggested that objectives should give employees a clear idea of p... ...3rd edition, The Cromwell Press, Wiltshire Harrison R (1989), Training and Development, 2nd edition, LR Printing Service Ltd, West Sussex Mullins L (2002), Management and Organisational Behaviour, 6th edition, Pearson Education Ltd, Harlow Torrington D et al (2002), Human Resource Management, 5th edition, Pearson Education Ltd, Harlow Bibliography Beardwell I et al (2004), Human Resource Management – A Contemporary Approach, 4th edition, Pearson Education Ltd, Harlow Garratt T (1997), The Effective Delivery of Training Using NLP, Kogan Page Ltd, London Harrison R (1992), Management Studies 2 - Employee Development, 3rd edition, The Cromwell Press, Wiltshire Harrison R (1998), People and Organisation - Employee Development, 2nd edition, The Cromwell Press, Wiltshire Harrison R (1989), Training and Development, 2nd edition, LR Printing Service Ltd, West Sussex Mullins L (2002), Management and Organisational Behaviour, 6th edition, Pearson Education Ltd, Harlow Pettinger R (2002), Introduction to Management, 3rd edition, Palgrave, Hampshire Torrington D et al (2002), Human Resource Management, 5th edition, Pearson Education Ltd, Harlow

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Is Ethical Conduct Important?

Besides being the â€Å"right thing to do,† Ethical conduct is important because it not only involves doing what is right and proper, but it is also good for business. Ethical conduct is the basis for long-term success in any organization. Here are some of the many advantages to ethical conduct at work. Ethical conduct ensures good and proper relationships with customers and vendors. Ethical conduct on the part of all employees also helps maintain quality and productivity. When employees follow ethical standards, they do not cut corners or short-change the company or its customers. Ethical conduct makes the best use of resources. Money, time, and effort are put into productive activities rather than diverted for questionable purposes or personal gain. Ethical perform promotes a strong public image for the organization. People respect an organization that makes ethical choices. Customers like doing business with an association they can trust. Ethics can be defined as a set of standards of acceptable conduct and moral judgment. Ethics provides cultural guidelines between employees, team leads or supervisor, It also provides organizational or societal , that help us decide between proper or improper conduct among each others. Compliance with laws and the behavioral treatment of employees are two completely different aspects of the manager's job. While ethical dilemmas will always occur in the supervision of employees, it is how employees are treated that largely distinguishes the ethical organization from the manager's job. It is extremely important to have a peaceful environment a work. We spend 8 hours with our coworkers every day ,that's why is important to make a great environment full of joyful moments and happiness. Viera In my job is exceptionally important to have good ethics . I work at the Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center with patients all day. They are all patients that are sick and going through a very hard time in their life having chemotherapy treatment and radiation treatment. We as employee have to be ethical at all times, we need to be polite, helpful, lovely and very respectful with them. I personally had an amazing training before my starting day about the job expectations and ethics. I believe every company should train their employee about ethics. The ultimate goal of ethics training is to avoid unethical behavior and adverse publicity; to gain a strategic advantage; and most of all, to treat employees in fair and equitable manner, recognizing them as productive members of the organization. Ethical conduct boosts morale and promotes teamwork. When employees can trust one another and management, they can work together more harmoniously and effectively.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Methinks vs. I Think

Methinks vs. I Think Methinks vs. I Think Methinks vs. I Think By Maeve Maddox An archaic verb form that survives in modern speech, thanks to its presence in a well-known quotation from Hamlet, is methinks. A Google search for â€Å"methinks† brings up more than five million hits. The quotation appears in the â€Å"mousetrap scene† in Hamlet. Traveling actors are performing a play written to Hamlet’s specifications. He wants to dramatize his father’s murder and produce a guilty reaction in his stepfather. The Player Queen gives a highly charged speech about her feelings for her husband, swearing that, should he die, she will never remarry. Hamlet asks his mother, â€Å"How do you like the play?† Uncomfortable with the speech because of her own remarriage, Hamlet’s mother replies, â€Å"The lady protests too much, methinks.† Modern speakers frequently misquote the line as, â€Å"Methinks the lady doth protest too much† and seem to believe it means something like, â€Å"I think the person is trying to hide something by denying it so strongly.† Methinks is not the equivalent of â€Å"I think.† The thinks in methinks comes from the Old English verb thyncan: â€Å"to seem† or â€Å"to appear.† The think in â€Å"I think I’ll drive to Tulsa this weekend† comes from Old English thencan: â€Å"to think.† Methinks means â€Å"It seems to me.† Originally, it was spelled as two words. The me is an indirect object: â€Å"It seems to me.† Now it is spelled as one word, although some modern speakers, imagining that it means, â€Å"I think† spell it as two words. Note: Using methinks as if it meant, â€Å"I think† equates to such baby talk as â€Å"Me wants a cookie.† The past tense of methinks is methought: Methought I heard a voice cry, â€Å"Sleep no more! Macbeth does murder sleep.† –Macbeth, Act II, scene ii. Another misunderstood word in the Hamlet quotation is protest. Modern speakers interpret it to mean, â€Å"to object,† but Gertrude means it in the sense of â€Å"to promise.† She thinks the Player Queen is overdoing her promise never to remarry should her husband die: Player Queen: Both here and hence pursue me lasting strife, If once I be a widow, ever I be a wife! Paraphrase: May nothing but trouble hound my steps for the rest of my life if I ever remarry after my husband’s death. Here are a few examples of how methinks is being used on the Web: Me thinks I have the perfect frame for it. Me thinks  Im in need of some serious psychiatric help. Me thinks  you drank a wee bit too much one night. Methinks  Jay Leno Is a Closet Conservative/Libertarian. Methinks ESPN’s Chris Broussard WANTS to get fired. Because so many speakers are already confused about the proper way to use the pronouns me and I, it may be a good idea to retire the use of methinks–at least at the beginning of a sentence. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:10 Grammar Mistakes You Should AvoidWriting the Century10 Humorous, Derisive, or Slang Synonyms for â€Å"Leader† or â€Å"Official†

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Free Essays on Music Changed My Life

Music changed my life There was a time in my life when I paid little attention to music. This time is known as childhood. I was too busy with my Ninja Turtles and G.I. Joes to even think about music. That’s not to say I didn’t listen to it, though. Despite the hideous music we now so affectionately call â€Å"the 80’s† that was playing on the radio stations when a was a child, I still listened. I started paying attention when I was nine years old, and that is when my affliction with music all started. To gain a better understanding of how music has changed my life over the years, we must start from the beginning of my musical learning timeline. When I was nine years old, my mother paid for piano lessons from my neighbor, and I started learning songs right away. I started with the usual beginner’s songs – Mary Had a Little Lamb, Yankee Doodle, and etc. I practiced every day, even though most times I didn’t want to do so. I took piano lessons for about a year and ended up getting through one book, and then baseball started conflicting with my practice time, so I quit my piano lessons. My musical learning did not end here however. The next instrument I picked up was the Trumpet. When I was in sixth grade, the trumpet was all the rage. So, I jumped on the band wagon (no pun intended). I joined the liberty bell band and started taking private lessons. I was 2nd chair by the end of 7th grade, which basically meant I was second best. I still remember the boy who was 1st. He could hit every note on the scale, and his seat was well deserved. When the â€Å"coolness factor† wore off, I quit band and trumpet all together. I guess you could say, the 8th grade clichà © of trying to be cool didn’t include being in band, thus ending my trumpet career. My brother played drums all through high school, and he had a drum kit in his room that I had access to all times. So, after my trumpet playing was over, he started ... Free Essays on Music Changed My Life Free Essays on Music Changed My Life Music changed my life There was a time in my life when I paid little attention to music. This time is known as childhood. I was too busy with my Ninja Turtles and G.I. Joes to even think about music. That’s not to say I didn’t listen to it, though. Despite the hideous music we now so affectionately call â€Å"the 80’s† that was playing on the radio stations when a was a child, I still listened. I started paying attention when I was nine years old, and that is when my affliction with music all started. To gain a better understanding of how music has changed my life over the years, we must start from the beginning of my musical learning timeline. When I was nine years old, my mother paid for piano lessons from my neighbor, and I started learning songs right away. I started with the usual beginner’s songs – Mary Had a Little Lamb, Yankee Doodle, and etc. I practiced every day, even though most times I didn’t want to do so. I took piano lessons for about a year and ended up getting through one book, and then baseball started conflicting with my practice time, so I quit my piano lessons. My musical learning did not end here however. The next instrument I picked up was the Trumpet. When I was in sixth grade, the trumpet was all the rage. So, I jumped on the band wagon (no pun intended). I joined the liberty bell band and started taking private lessons. I was 2nd chair by the end of 7th grade, which basically meant I was second best. I still remember the boy who was 1st. He could hit every note on the scale, and his seat was well deserved. When the â€Å"coolness factor† wore off, I quit band and trumpet all together. I guess you could say, the 8th grade clichà © of trying to be cool didn’t include being in band, thus ending my trumpet career. My brother played drums all through high school, and he had a drum kit in his room that I had access to all times. So, after my trumpet playing was over, he started ...

Sunday, November 3, 2019

High Job Control Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

High Job Control - Assignment Example This research tells that high job control is considered by many to be a practice that empowers the employee and grants him this job satisfaction. It is seen as a practice that protects employees from the detrimental impacts of high work demands. High work demands refer to the complexity of the character of the job, alongside the possibility of the immense pressure an employee feels in getting the job done. Karasek affirms that it is mainly a low job control that leads to high job stress which in turn negatively impacts an employee’s health. He uses his job demands-control model to explain the impact of high and low job control on an individual based on the high or low demands made on him by the job. When it comes to scenarios where the demand is on the higher side while the control is on the lower side, higher levels of stress are felt by the individual leading to deteriorating health conditions. High demand from a job that is accompanied by high job control is termed ‘a ctive’ because it allows the individual to learn and develop as well as use and enhance multiple skills; average levels of strain are felt. Low demand from a job along with high job control is seen as inducing little or no stress for the individual while low demand from the job accompanied by low job control is seen as ‘passive’, as causing average levels of stress and as contributing towards a loss of skills. The important feature to note of this model is the fact that it is fundamentally the lack of job control and not the high demand for the job that is leading to the stress. The model explains how high job control will be used to counter the negative impacts of high job demand, thus acting like a buffer. Karasek & Theorell look at some developments that have been made to this model, one of which has been to include support (that is help and guidance from supervisors) as a moderator of work demands.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Amazon Incorporation analisys Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Amazon Incorporation analisys - Research Paper Example art from this, also presents millions of ethnic and unique as well as refurbished items of varied categories such as books, movies, music & games, electronics and computers; home & garden; toys; kids and baby; grocery; apparel; shoes and jewelry; health and beauty; sports and outdoor; and tools, auto and industrial and many others. This is one of the prime causes that lead to the development of and also improved its portfolio within the minds of the customers. Side by side, technological innovation also enhanced the growth of in the world among others. Other than this, due to wide range of products, international retail websites, worldwide network of fulfillment along with customer service centers enhanced its growth to a significant extent. This helped to become a Fortune 100 company. Due to which, the economic performance of the organization improved to a certain extent as compared as shown in the below graph: Economic performance of Amaz Thus, due to its vision to expand in numerous countries with the help of internet enhanced the goal of becoming the number one organization in the entire world. 2. SWOT analysis Strength: Amazon is one of the most reputed and profitable organization. In 2005, it enhanced a significant growth due to its wide range of products at a competitive price. Although due to implementation of huge initial set up costs, Amazon suffered high level of loss. However, in order to increase its profit margin, it presented wide range of products at a competitive cost. This acted as a boon for the organization to increase its portfolio and popularity in the online sector. The high level of promotion also helped the customers of to increase its awareness about the products. Customer... Amazon is one of the most reputed and profitable organization. In 2005, it enhanced a significant growth due to its wide range of products at a competitive price. Although due to the implementation of huge initial set up costs, Amazon suffered the high level of loss. However, in order to increase its profit margin, it presented wide range of products at a competitive cost. This acted as a boon for the organization to increase its portfolio and popularity in the online sector. The high level of promotion also helped the customers of to increase its awareness about the products. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is also another renowned business strategy that improved its net sales and profit margin. Information Technology (IT) also supported to improve its economic performance and growth. Along with this, it also helped the customers to access the site from varied locations in order to attain the products. Amazon is also a global brand and also the original dotcoms due to the presence of the huge range of customer in the entire world. It became the first online retailer due to the presence of e-commerce techniques. This enhanced the performance and ROI of the organization in the world that proved extremely significant for it